I slowly pointed at the scary face, booping him right on the nose. "I know you."
"God dammit, Jiyeon," the scary face snarled, silver Marks blazing like thousands of diamonds alit. "You're a real piece of work sometimes aren't you?"
"Ooh." I grinned, the face blurring a little as I blinked. "You're scary."
Abruptly arms slid under my arms and legs and lifted me up from the mattress. I squealed at the sense of weightlessness, and then allowed my head to fall back, another giggle bubbling up my throat at the way the blood rushed to my head.
The strong arms were taking me away from the large room filled with people. The sounds of yelling and laughter died away. We were leaving the fun behind us. I wanted to have more fun. "Wait no, turn around! Turn—"
"Keep it down," the angry face hissed at me. "Do you realize it's three in the morning right now?"
What was three doing in the morning?
The angry face continued. "I've been looking all over the damn place for you since you went missing."
"Looking?" I began to play with his shirt. It was stretchy. "Like hide-and-go-seek? Did I win?"
"God, how much alcohol did you drink? You reek."
We were in an elevator now, the harsh florescent lights blazed down into my eyes, burning into them. The light also lit his silver hair, transforming it practically white, so it appeared like a halo of starlight had been crowned upon him.
"You look like an angel." I snuggled up against him. "Your head is shiny." I closed my eyes happily and instantly the darkness swallowed me whole.
A harsh clinking sound shattered the peaceful darkness I'd been floating in.
A massive head ache pounded through my head and I buried my face into the pillows, trying to escape the annoying clinking. The pillows smelled faintly of sharp jasmine and spice.
The mattress of whatever bed I was laying in dipped as someone sat down next to me. "Jiyeon." A soft voice reached my ears.
I knew that voice. I slowly turned my head and squinted at the person leaning over me. "Your head is not shiny anymore," I pouted.
I didn't know where we were. All I knew was that I was in a small bed and the room around us was dark. Only the soft glow of his silver Marks illuminated the air around us. Pretty. Like rivers of glittering frost. I wanted to touch.
Jimin shied away when I reached out my hand. "No touch," he scolded, as if reading my exact thoughts. "Here. Drink this. It'll help you in the morning to fight off your hangover."
"I'm not hung over anything," I mumbled, burying my face back into the pillow. I liked the smell of it.
"Jiyeon." Exasperation laced through his voice.
Hands grabbed my shoulders and tugged me into a sitting position. Immediately the world around me seemed to swoop and I whined, failing to fight back the dizziness. I wanted to lie back down.
Someone grasped my chin and then I felt cool surface of a cup pressed to my lips. I reluctantly opened my mouth. The cool liquid flooded in my mouth. It didn't burn like the beer. It was smooth, a little fizzy, and flowed easily down my throat that I realized was burning in dryness.
It wasn't until I drained the entire cup that the hand released my chin and let me lay back down on the bed. My head already felt a little bit clearer and I blinked slowly at Jimin.

Interwoven ✔️
Fanfiction"I am quite flexible." "Stop wiggling your eyebrows." ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ In which she's assigned an alien under the rules of the New Order for both races to learn more about each other. [FULL SUMMARY INSIDE] ©Kiki 2020© ➢AU ➢Romance/Action ➢...