39~ In the Name of Belief

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Two days had passed since the vigil. Though grief continued to cling to everyone, we had to move on sooner or later. It turned out, some people were moving on quite literally.

"What did you just say?"

Jimin exhaled at my incredulous stare. "All units are on recall because of the training center attack. It's become clear that it's too dangerous, even for Outworlder trainers and trainees. Also, most of the members of the Infinity Council is moving there temporarily for safety purposes. So the units are relocating to the Capital Base, the main military base in the country, for both safety, guarding the Infinity Council, as well as regrouping to prepare retaliation against the Pure Reformists."

"Yeah, I got most of that part." I shook my head. "Repeat what you were saying about me."

His mouth pursed a little. "You're going back home."

I stared at him.

"No I'm not."

"Jiyeon don't do this." He raked a hand through his hair in vexation. "I'm sending you back home. It's just too dangerous for you and after Yoongi... I won't risk losing you too."

"And what about you?" I demanded. "You think you're the only one concerned for safety? I'm scared I'll lose you, too, Jimin. You're going off to the Capital Base, potentially to war."

"I don't have a choice," he snapped back. "You have a choice."

"And this is my choice!" I splayed my arms. "I've told you before how ever since I was little I knew I wanted to make a difference between Outworlders and humans. I can't possibly do that sitting on my ass at home while people are fighting for the very thing I believe in: equality and acceptance between Outworlders and humans. No, I'm going to fight with those people. Fight for what I believe in."

"You'll only get hurt!" Jimin's voice rose to borderline shout. "You think it's just about fighting? About making a difference? What happened to Yoongi can happen to any of us at any moment."

"I'd rather die for something I believe in than die filled with regret of what I could've done."

"Really? You'd die for something you believe in. Tell me, do you think you'll still possess that resolve when you look someone in the eyes and kill them in the name of what you believe in? Do you think you'll still possess that resolve when watching your friends die around you in the name of what you believe in?"

I flinched at his unyielding tone.

He pressed forward. "And what happens if you meet your parents on the field? Will you even have enough resolve to kill your own parents in the name of what you believe in?"

I didn't break his gaze. I refused to look away. Refused to back down. Yet deep down, I knew that if I ever encountered my parents in midst of combat, I would never be able to kill them.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into, Jiyeon," said Jimin, sensing my falter. "I get that you want to make a difference with Outworlders and humans. It's an honorable ambition. But there's more ways to accomplish that than being locked in combat surrounded by fear and death."

"I wasn't afraid."

Jimin blinked slowly at me. "What?"

"When I was fighting those Reformists, I wasn't afraid. Even when I shot the girl in the leg. Even when the guy had me pinned down. All I knew was I had to fight back. I had to win. Never once did I feel afraid. I'd felt alive." I lifted my chin. "I know what I want, Jimin. I want to be officially enrolled in classes. I want to train myself to my fullest potential. I don't want to just learn how to defend myself anymore. I want to learn everything there is to know about combat, and use that knowledge to protect those people who actually need protection."

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