Epilogue 2

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Oh, what the hell was I thinking?

I paced the room, worrying my lip. I'd waited another week, took two more pregnancy tests (both once again positive), and had gotten an earful from Krys scolding me for waiting, before I finally decided to drop the news.

Jimin was running a little late from the meeting, but after today his schedule was pretty open for the rest of the month. I'd decided now was as good a time as ever.

I paused in my pacing by a cage on the ground where a little ball was curled up and sleeping. "Oh Min Min," I exhaled, "What am I going to do?"

The little ball stirred and a tiny head poked up at my voice. A smile tugged at my mouth from the adorable hedgehog face.

I'd never forgotten the hedgehog cafe Jimin and I had gone to long long ago. When we'd finally settled down in a house at the edge of the North City, I'd convinced Jimin to get a hedgehog for a pet.

Min Min stretched and waddled out of his cage to greet me. I idly began to pet him, keeping one eye on the door ready for Jimin to walk through at any moment.

I found myself, as I often did, talking to Min Min. The hedgehog was a great listener. "What should I say?" I murmured, rubbing his chin. "Should I at least wait till he gets comfortable before dropping the news? Or should I just get it over with?"

Min Min chirped in reply, wiggling around so I could rub his chin in a better place. I'd never known until we'd gotten Min Min the amount of noise a hedgehog could make. He was a loud little chap at times, chirping and squeaking at Jimin and I nonstop.

"Sometimes I wish I was Krys," I muttered darkly. "If she was in my place, she'd probably have no hesitation saying that she was pregnant regardless if the child—"

"You're pregnant?!"

I screamed as Min Min— no, Jimin— morphed from my hand into himself on the floor. His eyes were huge and jaw hanging open in utter shock.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I snapped my head back and forth. "Where's real Min Min??"

"Hold up. Forget the hedgehog." Jimin grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to look at him. "You're... you're pregnant?"

Someone get a bulldozer and run me over. Better yet just nuke me off the face of this planet.

"I... I..." I lost my voice as I stared right back at Jimin. My mind slowed and glitched like crazy.

A little squeak broke through my panic. Jimin and I glanced over to where the real Min Min crawled sleepily out of the couch, alerted by the commotion.

"Why were you pretending to be Min Min?" I asked dumbly. Anxiety and yes, even fear, was coursing through me. I wasn't ready. Crap, I wasn't ready to drop the news. But it was too late.

"I wanted to surprise you." Jimin finally released my shoulders and ran a hand through his hair. I realized he was still in the dashing suit he had to wear in the Infinity Council. He must've snuck in sometime, using the 'running late' excuse as a ruse. "Turns out, looks like I'm the one who got surprised."

I swore and buried my face in my hands, hugging my knees up to my chest so I was curled in a tiny cocoon. I silently cursed my husband for deciding to try and prank me, of all the days.

"Hey partner." Jimin's voice had become soft and I allowed him to lift my chin up. Shock still lingered in his eyes but his expression was filled with love. "It's alright. Tell me everything."

Min Min had finally reached my side and cuddled up against me. The little bundle steadied me enough to finally spill everything to him: starting from the very first week when I'd begun getting the nausea and headaches. When I finished telling him, though, I was shaking again and watched nervously as he became lost in thought.

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