14~ Shamelessly Shnockered

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"It was a natural reaction!" Jimin laughed from where he was sitting across the room on his bed. "You were sitting on my lap causing friction. It's not exactly my fault."

I pointedly ignored him and focused on pretending to do math homework.

The moment I'd felt Jimin junior underneath me I'd scrambled off, my entire body burning up at the sensation. The consequences of my actions hadn't fully occurred to me. I'd naively anticipated to fluster him. Unfortunately, I'd forgotten hormonal factors.

Now I was sitting on the floor at the base of the bed, notebook in hand and laptop right in front of me, scrawling random numbers on the paper in hopes that Jimin would leave me alone so I could collect myself. Maybe release a squeal or two in my pillows. My inner thighs could still feel the phantom hardness between them. I'd accidentally-not-so-accidentally turned on my crush.

"Aw come on partner." Jimin leaned forward earnestly. "It's like your natural reaction when you first saw me was touch and lick me."

My head snapped up. "I was drunk! Also, I never found out what happened to me after I blacked out. Did you and your guys do something to me after I passed out?"

Genuine shock struck his face, wiping all tease off his face. "Of course not! What kind of person do you think I am?" He gaped. "We just delivered your shamelessly shnockered, but mercifully unconscious, self back to your doorstep."

I ignored the jab at my flagrant drunken state. "How did you even know where I lived?"

"We looked at your ID."

I hated how quickly that made sense. I was hoping I'd have an excuse to act more mad at him and release the pent up giddiness.

He cocked his head cutely to the side. "I did enjoy it though. Both at the club and just now. You should try turning me on like that more. Though we might want to clean up some of your techniques."

Welp. There was a good excuse to act more mad at him.

"Slobbering over your lips was a turn on for you?" I raised my brow in disbelief.

"Your confidence was a turn on."

"You're shameless."

"And you're blushing."

I glared back down at my laptop. He was just playing with my emotions now. Teasing me as he normally did. I wondered what he would do if he ever realized that I actually did have some feelings for him.

I pursed my lips. Of all the people I could possibly fall for...

"Have you done it before?"

I glanced up when his tone shifted from sultry mischief to genuine curiosity. "Have I done what before?"

He winked and gestured south.

"No I have not straddled an Outworlder on a couch and turned him on before," I said flatly.

He rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean."

Why do you want to know? I wanted to yell at him. Instead I just lifted my shoulders, shrugging. "I've had a few relationships in the past. Some more serious than others."

"Are you still in contact with your exes?" A strange sharp gleam entered his gaze. "I mean, like, are you friends or close with some of them still?"

"Not really." I blinked, mildly confused at the earnestness in his voice.

"Have you ever dated an Outworlder?"

I frowned, giving up on my math homework and looking at him. I'd already procrastinated on the assignments for a week. Another day wasn't going to hurt. "No."

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