19~ Perverted Banana

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"I'm sorry." I grinned at the pouting face Jimin was offering me.

"Do you have to?" He whined for the hundredth time.

I was slipping on some nice shoes by the door. I reached over and poked Jimin's cheek, right where the Mark tendril curled. "My parents are very insistent."

Insistent was an understatement.

I'd just finished talking with Jimin— together we'd figured and sorted out details about the trip to the North City after I decided 'yes' to going with him— when my own phone had begun vibrating rather violently.

It had been my parents calling, or more specifically my mom. The conversation had been short and straight to the point.

I hadn't contacted much less visited my parents for close to two months now after the whole fiasco they'd pulled with Jimin and calling him a terrorist. Thus, they wanted to see their daughter and had already made family dinner plans for the following day. I was expected to show up.

"Look on the bright side," I said to Jimin as I slipped on a jacket. "At least they made the dinner plans for tonight. If they'd made it for tomorrow I'd have to figure out how to explain I was going off to the North City with you."

"They probably would throw a fit knowing you were riding on an airplane with a terrorist," Jimin muttered darkly.

"Hey." I tapped his chin to make him look at me. "You're not allowed to think like that."

Jimin caught my wrist and pressed a kiss to the back of my hand. "Whatever you want partner."

A giggle bubbled up in me and I just barely managed to swallow it.

I'd dated in the past, some more serious than others. My most serious relationship had probably been during my Junior year of high school. It had lasted almost ten months before we broke it off; and yes, ice cream is your best friend during break ups whether you're lactose intolerant or not.

However, none of my past relationships had ever made my heart bubble and my blood fizz with the kind of warmth like it did whenever I saw Jimin. Not even my ten month relationship had made me feel so at home, at peace, yet with the knowledge that anything could happen.

"I'll come straight back after dinner, okay?" I squeezed his hand before letting go.

"Call me if anything goes wrong."

"Why? So you can just let a group of drunk guys ask for another raincoat and give it to them?" I couldn't help but jab at him. I was still frustrated that he'd let them beat him up like that. I bet that Jimin would've been able to easily take them all on.

"If a drunk guy comes within hearing distance of you, call me," Jimin said with startling seriousness. "I won't hesitate to fight them off for you."

I grinned a little at that. "Or you could teach me how to fight and I could fight them off myself. You've already told me how strong I am."

Jimin leaned forward, dark amusement curling across his lips. "You are strong partner," he murmured in my ear. "But if you're referring to your strong grip, that is for me only."

"Go brush your teeth!" I slapped him away, a laugh escaping me. "You have such a dirty mouth!"

I was still smiling by the time I reached the bus stop. The afternoon sun still hovered in the sky, warming the world. For a moment, I could pretend that I wasn't about to have the most awkward family dinner in my life.

Eventually the bus did come and as I boarded and took my seat a sense of apprehension began to settle in me. After all, I hadn't parted on very good terms with my parents last we met.

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