6~ Avenge and Revenge

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Mother of bloody mary!!

I was trapped. I was trapped. I was trapped.

Cockroaches poured out from the toilet and plunked onto the hard porcelain floor. One of the vermin landed on its back. I gagged at its little legs waving frantically in the air.

I rattled the door with all my might but it didn't budge. The door was unlocked from my side so that meant...

"PARK JIMIN!" I shrieked. "Let me out!"

Nothing. The door didn't budge.

So this was his revenge huh?

Had he even gone out? Was his absence really been because he'd been plotting all this silently upstairs for getting me back? It wouldn't have been hard. He could've morphed into something tiny and unnoticeable and gotten upstairs while I'd been distracted.

The cockroaches were beginning to crawl towards me. I tried opening the door one final time. Nothing.

I swore and whirled around. I hated the creepy-crawlies of any and all kinds. Now there was a whole hoard moving towards me. This was definitely worse than the spider.

The chittering of cockroach jaws as they moved as one across the floor to me was probably the worst.

I finally screamed in horror when the front line of crawling beasts almost reached my toes. In a flash I was on top of the sink counter, squealing in disgust as the insects swarmed over the spot I'd been moments before.

I continued yelling at Jimin to let me out.

That's when I realized the cockroaches were beginning to crawl up the walls.

Holy frickles there were so many of them!

"Fine! You win! I yield!" I cried as a cockroach landed on the sink right beside me. "Jimin you win this round!"

The door cracked open and a grinning Jimin poked his head in. "Hey partner!"

"Jimin get these out of here!" I wailed as the cockroach on the counter squirmed closer to me.

The silver Marked alien leaned against the doorframe, unfazed as a monstrous cockroach crawled up the wood inches from his head. He even had the audacity to hold up his phone and click a photo of me. His revenge.

"They don't bite."

The cockroach brushed my foot.

I screaky my loudest screaky and jumped off the counter at the doorway.

"AA—!" Jimin's parted mouth of shock was the last thing I saw before I bowled into him and we both crashed out of the bathroom.

Pain shot down my body from my impact against the ground and clash of bodies. I didn't miss a beat though and whirled around and slammed the bathroom door shut. I collapsed back on the ground, shuddering from head to toe. The little clicking of legs behind the door could still be heard.

Jimin grunted from the impact but immediately dissolved into loud bubbly laughter.

I would've found the laughter endearing, save for the fact he was laughing at me.

I slapped his arm, scowling. "That was disgusting!" I yelled. "Not to mention now we have an infestation problem in the Sharehouse."

My alien roommate sat up, silver lines glowing brightly. "That was great I don't know what you're talking about," he countered happily. "And don't worry. I'll get all those cockroaches out in no time."

I didn't even want to know how he'd gotten them in. They'd came out of the freaking toilet!!

"How am I supposed to shower in there now?" I demanded. "That was traumatizing."

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