36~ A Gun in a Jacket

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I was training with Yoongi when it happened.

"Ah-hah!" I crowed in victory.

I'd managed to land a sharp blow to Yoongi's ribs. We'd been practicing punching and blocking. It was the first time I'd actually been able to sneak under his defenses. Of course he was going easy on me, but it was progress.

We both leapt apart. Yoongi's eyes were bright and filled with approval. "Good job."

I wanted to preen at his words. He didn't easily hand out compliments and even when he did, it was usually edged with some criticism to keep any cockiness at bay.

Pride is your downfall, he would tell me. And when in combat, it can be quite literal.

"The training session is almost over." Yoongi glanced at the watch on his wrist. There were no clocks in the training center and the only people who were allowed to have clocks or watches were the trainers. Something to do with making sure trainees didn't get stuck watching the time while working. "Do you want to go another round or end it now?"

"Go another round." I immediately replied.

Yoongi's brows lifted in amusement and a glint entered his eyes at the confidence in my voice. Crap. He wasn't going to go easy on me now.

We had both just got into ready stance when a low rumble vibrated through the air.

I halted. "What—"

"Jiyeon get down!"

I yelped at Yoongi's shout—he never shouted— just as an earsplitting explosion erupted in the air and the very training room shuddered. My body slammed to the ground— though I couldn't tell if it was because of the bone-jarring shockwave or because Yoongi had bowled me over to the ground. Plaster and debris fell all around me, smashing to the ground, but never on me. The ground itself  groaned and heaved underneath me.

Yoongi had morphed into a large, sturdy table above me— sheltering me. Shock and horror froze my mind from properly moving. My ears rang from the initial sound. I didn't know how long the room kept shaking, it couldn't have been longer than a minute, but it felt like eternity.

And within that eternity I finally began to function. Began to realize what was going on. Even before I regained my hearing. Even before the screams and shouts began, followed by loud sharp cracks. Guns. Attack. The training center was under attack.

When only harmless plaster fell down Yoongi morphed back into himself, swearing. I didn't have time to ask if he was alright before he was leaping up to his feet, pulling me up with him.

"Let's go." He ran over to where his signature jacket was in the corner, pulling me after him. I allowed him to drag me along, still trying to understand what was happening, still stuck in a nightmarish daze.

It was when he pulled something out of the jacket pocket that I finally focused in. "Have you always kept a gun in your jacket pocket?"

"Seriously? We're under attack and that's what you're wondering about?" Yoongi shot me a demoralizing glare. He tossed me the weapon and I had just enough time to catch it.

"W-why...?" I stared wide-eyed at the weapon in my hand.

"Listen up." He grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to look at him. "Someone just decided to plant a goddamn bomb in the training center. Whoever they are, they're not friendly. And if I could take a wild guess, it's the Purists."

I could hear my blood roaring in my ears as adrenaline seared through me like fire. I could hear the screams and chaos on the floor below. It was happening. An attack was really happening.

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