3~ Let The Battle Begin

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There had been an unspoken truce for the rest of the afternoon as we moved in and began setting up our new home.

I'd settled on the floor with my large move-in luggage and box beside me. On either side of the room was a bed frame and I'd first made my bed before settling on the floor to take out my clothes.

The methodical folding of clothes and placing them in the provided drawer on my side of the room helped calm some of my nerves. Not only had I just moved out of the house, but I was about to start learning how to live on my own.

Jimin, on the other side of the room, was constantly moving in contrast to my sitting. Even more intriguing, he kept morphing between human to bird to human yet again. It was rather distracting and it took all my willpower not to stare too much.

Our truce broke, however, when dinnertime rolled around.

I had just washed my hands in preparations to start figuring out what to do for dinner and reached for the towel beside the sink. Then, in the blink of an eye, the towel moved under my fingers.

I found myself gripping the thighs of a Park freaking Jimin.

He leaned against the counter, grinning down at me. "Hey."

You had got to be freaking kidding me.

"You're unbearable," I seethed.

"You're still gripping my thighs."

I immediately released his hard packed muscular thighs. I hoped he'd interpret my red cheeks from anger and not anything else.

"What exactly were you trying to accomplish doing that?" I looked around. "And where is the actual towel?"

He pulled the 'actual towel' from his back pocket and handed it to me, still grinning. "Tried that trick once with this girl called Y/N. She started screaming right off the bat."

"You really into girls gripping your thighs huh?" I raised my brow.

If it wasn't for him being able to morph and his Marks I would think him just another hormonal male human hoping to take advantage of having a female roommate.

He leaned forward, eyes sparkling. "Perhaps. But no girl before has gripped me as hard as you just did. I wonder, what else can those hands do?"

That did it.

"They can do this."

Jimin's eyes widened as I lunged at him. And then he was a towel again.

"That's so unfair!" I yelled at the towel. I grabbed it and began whipping it against the counter. "Face me, coward!"

The Jimin towel made satisfying snapping noises every single time I hit it/him against the counter.

I finally threw it back on the floor and glared at it, waiting.

As the seconds dragged out my anger transformed into fear and then horror as the towel remained limp on the ground.

Oh god...

Did I just murder Jimin-towel?

I was about to reach down and poke it when the towel morphed. Jimin re-appeared on the ground, curled up in a tight ball with his hands covered over his head. He peeked up at me with large, dilated eyes.

"Well I was right about the strong grip," he wheezed out, voice breathless.

I exhaled and muscles, that I hadn't realized that had tensed in fear, began to relax. Thank God I hadn't just terminated my alien roommate on the first day.

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