4~ A Sticky Situation

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A high pitch screech shattered through my murky dreams and flung me into the conscious world.

I sat up with a gasp. The world swooped around me. For a split moment my mind reeled, trying to understand why I wasn't in my normal bedroom. Then I remembered: I'd just moved in with a designated alien under Order #327.

Speaking of the Outworlder...

My head snapped to the side and stared across the room where the source of the indignant screeching came from.

My eyes met narrowed, furious dark ones across the room. The screeching stopped.

Then the laughing began. My laughter.

I almost fell off the bed, cackling with euphoric delight.

"What have you done to me?!" Jimin roared with fury. "I can't move!" His silver Marks blazed in the early sunlight filtering between the curtains of the bedroom.

My stomach ached from laughing so hard and it took me a couple moments to get up. I grabbed twelve bottles of the wonder liquid I'd used on him last night and held them up for his stuck head to see.


I collapsed as another wave of laughter wracked my body.

Everything was just too funny. From the way Jimin's body was flat splat and glued frozen onto the mattress to the incredulous enmity scrawled all over his face.

I finally caught my breath and skipped across the wide expanse of the floor to him. I boldly sprang onto his bed and gloated down at him. "How do you like me now?"

The fury slowly died from Jimin's eyes and he exhaled. "Clever. Very clever partner."

I folded my arms. I needed to gloat just a little longer. "I win this round."

He wriggled around but the superglue held. I didn't waste twelve bottles for nothing. "Fine. Yes you did. Now how are you going to get me out?"

My smile dropped.

He gaped at me. "You superglued me without thinking how you were going to unstick me?"

"I mean, it kinda crossed my mind?" I rubbed the back of my neck.


"I decided I'd worry about it later after I triumphed over you."

Jimin's eyes fluttered close. "I obviously underestimated your competitive spirit." When I didn't move his eyes snapped open. "Well what are you waiting for? Help me!"

"Y-you can't morph and escape?"

"I did try morphing," he said darkly. "That's when I began shrieking. This stuff hurts."

"Awww, poor baby." I dared to pat his cheek. His skin was like satin. No wonder drunk me had so much fun touching it. "Do you have sensitive skin, little baby?"

He smiled sweetly though his eyes darkened. "Every additional unnecessary second I'm stuck here means a more worse retribution for the next round when I free myself, partner. Trust me when I say a spider should be the least of your worries."

I gulped at that. "Alright alright, I'm going," I mumbled, scrambling off his bed. I paused at the doorway of the bedroom and glanced over my shoulder.

Jimin was staring up at the ceiling, limbs spread out awkwardly in the position when the glue had hardened. I couldn't help it. I quickly bounded over to the nightstand beside my bed and snatched my phone.

I zipped over and snapped three quick photos.

"YAH!" Jimin yelled. "Seriously Jiyeon this stuff is starting to hurt. So do me a favor: scoot that cute butt of yours and get me out."

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