9~ A Big Banana

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"Hey look. It's me!"

I looked up from where I'd been examining apples to add to our shopping cart. The super market was fairly busy as usual. Both humans as well as Outworlders meandered down the aisles.

"That's a banana," I said, staring at what Jimin was holding up.

"It's a big banana."

"You're wiggling your eyebrows again."

"I know."

"Put it down," I sighed, resuming bagging the apples.

"You don't want to eat it?"

"Park Jimin!"

"So is that a yes?"

I looked back up at him and held an apple high for him to see. "Do you want this apple served to you or thrown at you? Because the next words that come out of your mouth is going to determine that."

"You're no fun." Nevertheless Jimin set down the large, implying banana and ambled through the produce section we were in. I swore even his silver Marks were glimmering in amusement.

As I finished bagging the apples I suddenly realized how hot my cheeks were. Curse that cheeky silver alien.

Several days had passed since the day of the cockroaches, oil, and my parents. We'd decided to go grocery shopping this morning to buy more vegetable oil, after I'd used about half of it on the floor, and decided to restock the pantries and refrigerator while we were at it.

"Hey look. It's you!"

I exhaled heavily and turned around to where Jimin was now holding two well rounded melons in the air.

He smirked and glanced down at the rounded fruits in his palms. "I don't know about you but these look real tasty."

I arched a brow. "I think they're a little too good for you."

"Mm, you think?" He palmed them suggestively.

"Yes. I also think the banana is too small for those melons."

Jimin choked and almost dropped said melons.

The rest of the shopping spree passed pretty uneventfully, other than the fact that Jimin persuaded me to buy at least one melon. Then we were off down the street with our groceries.

The city was bustling with life at this time of day. The sidewalks were packed with pedestrians, both humans and Outworlders. The city we lived in was once called Busan I believe, large enough for a couple airports and even a single airstation for minor aircrafts.

However it was nowhere near as large as the North City that had been formerly called Seoul. The North City possessed the main airstation where massive aircrafts and even the occasional airship traveled and ported.

The sky here was usually filled with airplanes and the small cargo aircrafts. But today it was surprisingly quiet and it reminded me of the devastating aircraft tragedy. The culprit had yet to be found. However several Outworlders had been arrested under suspicion.

I definitely noticed a small shift in attitudes from humans since the attack. More suspicious side glances, some mutterings. Thankfully for the most part the unease was ignorable and I wanted to be optimistic in thinking that in a few more weeks things would calm down again.

And who could be blamed really? This was the first major attack and tragedy that had occurred since the New Order came to be.

"Jiyeon look out!" A hand grabbed my arm and yanked me back just as a skateboarder whizzed past inches away from me.

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