49~ Eight Letters

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"There's been an attack!"

All the trainees around the cafeteria breakfast tables perked up like dozens of meerkats. We all turned as the trainers began to stand and rush around.

It had been two days since the devastating news of Taehyung. Two days since the private training room.

There was a haunted look upon Jimin's face since the news had initially broken out, though he didn't entirely lose himself again like he had with the punching bag. I didn't let him. Numerous of search parties were still sweeping the area for Taehyung and the two other people who'd been lost in the mountains, yet there was still no sign of them. Some people were already pronouncing them dead. 

"An attack?" Krystal and I exchanged looks.

"Are we going to have to fight?" Tzuyu fretted beside us as we watched the trainers and other soldiers scrambling out of their seats and shouting to each other.

My eyes caught sight of a certain trainer just as his eyes found mine. He jerked his head. Quick. Almost unnoticeable. But I got the message.

"I'll be right back," I murmured to Krystal.

Her brows knitted together as I slipped away. Realization dawned on her when she saw who I was slipping off after.

After Krystal having been there when I'd rushed off to find Jimin in the science ward, I was pretty sure she now knew exactly what was going on between us.

Though she hadn't said anything yet, I could see she was bursting with questions. Respect threaded through me that she hadn't let a single word escape her though to expose what was going on, especially knowing her outbursting personality.

Now, I wove through the rushing people, narrowly avoiding getting trampled by an especially tall and robust trainer.

I'd lost sight of Jimin and had just stepped outside the cafeteria when hands grabbed my arm and tugged me into a shadowy alcove along the wall.

I tried to angle my body the best I could to obscure his glowing Marks. "What's going on?" I demanded.

"The Infinity Council intercepted a message." Jimin's arms automatically wrapped around me, holding me close. "There's going to be an attack on the North City," he said softly. The haunted look on his face was gone. Instead, a former keen glint of purpose ignited deep within his gaze.


He offered me a pointed, intense look. "On the North City," he said slowly.

My eyes widened. "You mean... the entire city?"

He nodded.

Was that even possible? I recalled how massive the city was. A sprawling landscape of skyscrapers and steel and life. Were the Reformists that large to lay siege to the capital of the country?

"You're going," I whispered. Not even a question. "Your unit has been called."

He nodded again.

"What about the trainees? Are we coming?"

"No." He shook his head and quickly placed a finger against my lips when he saw the protest rising up. "The trainees are needed to stay at the Capital Base to guard here. Only if we need backup will you guys ship out after us."

I swallowed hard. He was going to off to fight, possibly in the front lines, while I stayed behind walls of metal and steel, safe and sound.

"I can't, nor will I, take you with me," he quickly said as if reading the question in my eyes. "This you can't sway me on. As an official trainee, you need to listen to orders. Orders say you stay here and hold the fort down with the other trainees. General Konu is staying here too."

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