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Just a quick psa this was the sequel to my criminal which i accidently deleted and i hate myself for that but ill try to get it back and if i cant ill just re write the book so just enjoy the sequel for now

~ 9 months later ~

I was in the delivery room getting ready to give birth. It was hard because I had to drive here by myself and no one was here with me. I was just in the room by myself.

All you could here were the monitors tracking my dialations and the babys heart beat. Alvaro couldn't come because, well if he got caught he'd be in jail and I didnt want him to risk it.

The nurse and doctors walked in.

"Mrs. Y/n its time for you to push"

I nodded as one of the doctors pressed a button making my bed sit up.

"Do you have anyone who's coming today?" The doctor asked

"Well.. no I-"

"I'm right here"

The least person I expected to walk in the room. I was shocked to the point where I almost stopped breathing.

"Who are you?" The nurse asked

"Oh I'm jayden and this is my friend" he smiled

"Well jayden you made it right on time she was just about to push"

"I'm glad" he looked down at me and held my hand

I cant believe I'm saying this, but I'm so glad hes here, even though hes fucked up a lot of shit in my life. I'm glad I wasnt alone.

"Ok this baby is ready to come out I'm gonna need you to push"

"I-.. I dont think I can"

"Y/n you can do this just breathe and squeeze my hand as tight as you can" jayden sat infront of me

I nodded and took a breathe.

"3, 2, 1.. push"

I pushed as hard I could almost screaming. I felt the baby slowly eaze out of me, but not fully.

"Its almost there were gonna need you to push again, can you do it?" The nurse asked

I nodded and squeezed jaydens hand.

"3, 2, 1,.. push"

I screamed while pushing with all the strength in my body. I was sweating like crazy and crying at the same time.

I heard little cries coming from under the sheets.

"And here he is" she picked up the baby

I cried so hard I couldn't believe this was happened.

"Hey you did a great job" jayden said wiping my tears

"I'm thought you were dead.."

"That kid shot me in the chest.. the doctors said any further and I would've died"

"I'm so glad your here.. I didnt wanna do this alone"

"Hey I'll always be by your side no matter what"

I hugged him and cried into his shoulder.

"Here you go your baby is all cleaned and ready to meet his mom" the nurse came from behind a set of curtains

She handed me the baby and I cried even more.

"What's going to be his name?" A doctor asked

"J-..joseph.. Joseph polibio.."

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