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We arrived at a rundown building away from the city. I got the chills as I looked at this place it was dark and scary. The wind blew causing me to shiver once again.

"Are you cold?" Joseph asked

"Not really"

He took off his jacket and put it on me. Underneath were some little gold chains and a white T-shirt. The chain had a little 'M' on it.

"What does the m stand for?" I asked

"I don't know I found it in the closet we were in"

"It's cool" I smiled

"Thanks now let's head in" he out his hands in his pockets and we walked off.

Mirna opened the large doors revealing many people in black running around with guns money lots of cool and weird things.

We followed him upstairs to a set of doors and she stopped us.

"This man in here.. he doesn't play around so don't say anything stupid or that could get you killed" she warned

We nodded as she opened the doors. A man with blondish hair and green eyes sat in the chair

"Ah mirna what do I owe the pleasure" he stood up

"Mr. Andrade.. it's been a while"

He looked at me and joseph but then kept his focus on Joseph.

"Well well well.. joseph polibio" he stood up and walked over to us

He squatted down and stared him right in the eyes. I stood closer to joseph as I could feel him tense up.

I glided my fingers into his interlocking them behind my back. He squeezed my hand out of nervousness.

"Its been a while buddy" the guy smirked

"I'm sorry.. I don't know you" joseph said

The man squinted his eyes looking into Joseph's examining him, then his gaze followed to me.

"You look just like her," he said

"Who?" I asked

"Your sister of course" he smirked

"Sebastian don't" Mirna warned

"Why mirna why can't I tell her about her little criminal sister"

I looked at him confused

"Claire?" I asked

"Oh no no no" he shook his head

"Sebastian she the more you tell her the more questions she'll ask.. they're not ready for this life"

"What life?" Joseph asked

"A dangerous life.. sorta like this" Sebastian snapped his fingers and two guys came in the room.

They were tall they looked young like in their 20's. The two guys got closer and we backed up.

One guy charged at us and joseph pushed me out the way as he punched him in the face causing the guy to jolt to the side.

The other guy charged at me and I didnt know what to do I didnt know how to fight.

Joseph got in front of me as he kicked the guy in his stomach then punched his chest. I was amazed at what he could do.

Sebastian clapped slowly

"You have your father's skills" he grinned

"What skills?! What is all this for?" Joseph asked clearly annoyed

"Always there for his damsel in distress.. just like how you were now.. saving a girls life"

Sebastian grabbed me by my arm pulling me to him.

Joseph's POV

The way he pulled Carly toward him. The way she stood there in fear.. it was all so familiar
All of a sudden a flash of memory came back. It was all a blur. There were trees everywhere. A woman's face appears in front of me. Her eyes lip the way she looked at me

There was a van and she was being dragged out.. by sebastian.
Reality came back to me and I was in confusion.

What was that..

"Do i.. do I know you?" I phased back into reality.

"It depends on if you remember" he smirked

"I was in a forest I saw you and a woman next to you. It was all a blur but I saw you.. your holding Carly like how you held that woman" I pointed out

He smirked and let go of her.

"Good job joseph" he let go of Carly and she ran back over and hugged me burying her head in my chest.

I was shocked at first then wrapped my arms around her hugging her.

"Thank you, Mr. Andrade," Mirna said handing him money

"My pleasure" he smirked counting the money

"Let's go," she said walking out.

I glared at Sebastian one more time before walking out. We got in the car and Carly laid her head on my legs.

Mirna looked at us then back at the road.

"Why would you put our lives in danger like that?" I asked

"I needed to make sure you were still able to defend yourself," she said

"What if I couldn't.. I could've got hurt, she could've got hurt" I looked down at Carly who was asleep

"When I'm not around your gonna need to take care of her," she said

"Why? Why aren't you gonna stay around?"

"Because my identity needs to stay a secret"

"Why?" I asked

"Enough questions joseph," she said bluntly

I stopped talking and leaned back in the seat taking a nap.

Mattias POV

Our plane just landed back in new for a business meeting I had. I carried dante out the jet with y/n behind me. I could tell she was uncomfortable and I interlocked her fingers with mine.

"What's wrong princess?"

"I don't know.. it feels weird being back here" she shrugged

"How?" I asked

"Its just.. joseph isn't here and I'm pretty sure he'd live to come back and visit his home town ya know"

"Even even though we can't see him hell always be with us" I squeezed her hand comforting her

She nodded and I opened the car door and she got inside. I buckled dante in his car seat and sat in the driver's seat driving off.

Joseph's POV

"Why are we at the airport again?" I asked

"Spying" Mirna said looking through her binoculars

She handed them to me and pointed towards the black jet with a man and woman walking out with a kid in their hand.

They drive off and we waited five minutes before driving off.

"Wait why are we following them?" Carly asked

"Business" Mirna said

We drove down the highway 2 cars behind the black Mercedes.

After 10 minutes they stopped at a gated house and drove in. We passed the house and kept going.

"There was no reason for following them," I said

"There's a reason for everything joseph"

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