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Were skipping time bitchezzzzz😘

~ 9 months later ~

I was sitting on the bed looking at pictures of joseph. I felt warm tears flow out from my eyes

"Fuck.." I mumbled as I wiped my tears

Mattia came in with a suit on and sat his briefcase down on the bed.

"Hey," he said as he kissed my forehead

"Hey.." I muttered

He sat in front of me and cupped my cheeks.

"Are you still thinking of him?"

"I can forget the way he looked at me.. the way he stared at me.. it haunts me"

He pulled me into a hug and I snuggled into his chest.

"How are we gonna tell them about Joseph.." I looked at mattia

"I don't know.. let's just not talk about this right now.. it's hard bringing him up" mattia said

I nodded and stood up. All of a sudden water started dripping from me and I felt little cramps.

"Fuck.." I groaned

Mattia caught me before I could fall back down.

"Oh, shit did your water just break?" He asked

"Y-yes" I stuttered

Mattia picked me up outside to the car. We hopped in and he sped off.

"Holy shit.. holy shit this is really happening.." mattia said excitedly

He put his hand on my thigh caressing it. I bit my lip from the contractions I was having.

I groaned as he hit a speed bump.

"Fuck I'm sorry princess was almost there"

I nodded my head and gripped onto his arm. We arrived at what seemed like an abandoned warehouse. Mattia got out and picked me up basically running inside.

There were soldiers and doctors, and lots of people.

"MY WIFE SHES IN LABOR" mattia yelled

Everyone stopped and looked at us. A doctor ran over and examined me.

"Follow me," he said

We walked down a hall and got to a room that was similar to a hospital room. Mattia sat me on the bed and pulled off my clothes putting the little white hospital dress on me.

He kissed my cheek and sat in the chair next to me.

"Mattia" I whined

"What's wrong princess?" He held my hand

"C-can you call the guys"

He nodded and grabbed his phone texting the gc.

"Everyones on their way," he said

I nodded as he sat his phone down. I looked up at the ceiling thinking about how happy Joseph would've been to see his younger sibling. I let a tear slip out my eye and mattia wiped it.

"What's on your mind now?" He asked

"I could just imagine Joseph's little smile.. how happy he'd be to see his little sibling"

Mattia smiled and shook his head "He'd be so happy"

Mattia had the same smile as Joseph. It was so adorable. Every time I saw him I saw joseph it was like a 2 in 1.

The door busted open making me jump and kai, Alvaro, ale, Jayden, and mar came stumbling almost tripping over each other.

"Holy shit this is really happening" Alvaro walked over to me

He had little hicks on his neck and his hair was ruffled up and he was almost limping. I giggled looking at him and he gave me a confused look.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"Nothing.. nothing"

"Can I take a nap since its.. 5 in the morning" kai yawned

I laughed and nodded. He and mar walked over to the couch on the side and cuddled falling asleep.

Matia held my hand as the rest of us talked.

~couple hours later~

The doctors walked in saying it was time to push. They raised my bed and checked how far I was.

"8 meters dilated shes ready sir," the woman said

"Ok, Mrs. Polibio are you ready?" The doctor asked

I nodded my head and he sat my legs up. There were other nurses around preparing for where the baby was gonna be and other stuff. Everyone was up and ready and Alvaro was recording.

I squeezed onto Mattia's hand is I felt something starting to slid out of me.

"Ok I'm gonna need you to start pushing," the doctor said

I nodded my head as he started a countdown.

"3.. 2.. 1"

I pushed with all my strength letting out a high pitch scream.

"Holy fuck" I let out trying to catch my breath

The nurse looked at the monitors then back at the doctor and nodded

"Ok.. 3.. 2.. 1"

I let out another scream as sweat poured over my face as I pushed with all the strength in my body. I let go of Matias's hand because of how weak I was and closed my eyes.

I heard little cries and opened my eyes back up. The doctor carried the baby to a section of the room and cleaned them.

Everyone in the room congratulated me and some Alvaro and kai were crying.

Mattia got up my cheek and kissed it.

"I can't wait to make you scream like how like you were screaming just now, but even louder" mattia whispered in my ear

I looked at him and rolled my eyes

"Now.. is not the time"

The doctors came back with the baby wrapped in a blanket.

"Introducing Dante Polibio," the nurse said

I smiled as she gave me to him. He was so cute. I kissed him on his forehead and handed him to mattia.

"He's adorable," he said

"Ok now I want time with my nephew," kai said picking him up

I laughed as they passed dante around each holding him. Jayden handed me him and I laid him on my chest.

Mattia sat next to me and held my hand.

"I love you" he caressed my cheek

"I love you more"

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