The story

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(This has nothing to do with original story so just think of this like a side story also this was inspired)

It was a rainy day and Midnight was watching 1-A studying which in her case was boring. No gossip was going on no crazy events was happening it was normal which was NOT normal especially for 1-A who has to fight villains every 5 seconds but then an idea hit her.

"Instead of studying how about we tell horror stories?" Midnight said. The class agreed rather quickly I guess they were bored of studying as well. Most of the class it took some time to convince Iida but he soon came around to the idea.

Most of the class went by now some were funny, some gave you goosebumps, others were happy or boring. There was only two felt which was Todoroki and Izuku. Todoroki went first.

"Let's get this over with, this is not particularly a scary story though." "Just get it over with you half n' half bastard." Bakugo interrupted him

Todoroki sighed "One bright day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
They turned their backs and faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot the other.
One was blind and the other couldn't see,
So they chose a fool for their referee.
A mute eyewitness screamed with fright.
A cripple danced to see the sight.
A deaf policeman heard the noise.
He came and shot the two dead boys.
A paralyzed donkey passing by,
Kicked the copper in the eye,
And knocked him through a rubber wall,
Into a ditch and drowned them all.
If you don't believe this lie is true,
Ask the blind man. He saw it too."

It was silent the only thing you could hear was the rain pouring from outside.


Everybody jumped and a few gave a short shriek. It seems that the lighting hit the school and the power went out. Soon after an announcement came on

"There was a short power outage in the meanwhile please stay in your classrooms for the time being, that is all." And then it went off.

The tension in the classroom was getting thick so Midnight did the best she could to break it "Urr...we still have one more person that hasn't told a horror story yes?" 1-A looked at Midoriya as a nervous smile appeared on his face. "Midoriya you don't have to tell one if you don't want to" Midnight added after that long pause. 1-A nodded in agreement and what not "HA! The dumb nerd doesn't even know how to tell a horror story because he such a Pussy!" Bakugo laughed. "I-it's o-ok I'll t-tell one" Deku smiled.


Lighting hit again but this time there was a flash to it for a quick second everyone blinked but when they looked back Midoriya was gone.

Everyone started to painic until an eerie laugh was heard


".....uys? GUYS!" Everyone snapped out of there trance and some how Deku was back into his seat. A light flickered and everyone's attention was to the front board. There stood a little girl but it was to dark to see her face. She had blood all over her clothes and was holding a bloody axe. Everyone was frozen in fear not knowing what to do.

Then she started to sing walking closer to the students.

"ʟɪᴢᴢɪᴇ ʙᴏʀᴅᴇɴ ᴛᴏᴏᴋ ᴀɴ ᴀxᴇ"

she started to laugh that would instantly send shivers down you back as she walked closer to the scared teary-eyed class

"ɢᴀᴠᴇ ʜEʀ MᴏTʜEʀ FᴏRᴛY AKs"

The little girls voice became distorted as she started to drag the axe leaving a trail of blood.

She stopped and raised her axe as she was about ready to throw it.

"WʜEɴ SʜE sAᴡ WʜAᴛ SʜE ʜᴀᴅ DᴏNᴇ..........SHE GAVE HER FATHER FORTY-ONE"

She threw the axe into deku head. Blood started to leak- no, gush from his head his eyes started to roll to the back of his head. The only thing the class could do was cry and scream out his name hoping this was all just one sick joke.

the little girl started to laugh manically before disappearing from the scene like she wasn't there to begin with. The only proof was the trail of blood and the axe that is sticking out of deku's head.

"PFFTT-" Everone looked up to see who was laughing at such a time like this. "HAHAHHAHAHA!!! You guys should have seen your faces! HAHAHAHAHAHAH" It was......deku? But didn't he just......-How did he-.........well played deku......well played.

The class was in utter shock before balling their eyes out in joy to know that their friend and classmate is not dead. "OI YOU FUCKING NERD WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPEND?!?!" Deku didnt pay any mind to Bakugo as he proceeds to take the fake axe of his head. "Well Kachan that was my horror story Lizze Borden. She killed her parents with an axe. Alright you can turn the lights on!" The lights turned on as Aizawa was standing by the door with his signature grin and right next to him was a eri with blood(?) all over her clothes and face.

"You guys have been pranked. But i don't know what i find sadder the fact you didn't even try to stop the axe from coming my way, you didnt do anything about it, or that you are 1-A and you still can't defend yourselfs and from a child for that matter." I swear to bob that you can hear monomna tanting 1-A. "W-wait so your saying that all of this fake" Uraraka asked still in shock "Right amango! well most of it was fake. The blood was real. Oh and your being broadcasted for everyone in UA to see" The class looked at Midoriya who was rather enjoying him self and screamed in a using "WHAT!!!!" "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT WE THOUGHT YOU DIED!!!!" Iida yelled Midoriya only laughed at this "WHAT THE FUCK IS SO FUNNY YOU DAMN NERD" "this is pay back for two things actually" Midoriya said waving two fingers in the air. "huh what did we do?" Jiro asked. " A week ago you guys ate all my cookies and instead of buying me more you put some fake bones into the container and put a note saying 'these cookies were delisous so we got your back! :)' and just a few days you left me out of a conversation because you were having a grown-up converstation" everyone had guilty looks "oh and Midnight was in on it too" The class just realized and looked around to see Midnight was nowhere to be found "She slipped away to go to the audiotirm and watch this all go down as you were to busy focusing on eri. actually everone knew about this except you guys. Well anyway come on eri lets get this blood off of us."

the whole class was left in there thoughts until somebody spoke out "Wait MIdoriya said the blood was real........where did he get the blood from"

"No i think the better question is WHO did he get the blood from"

Authour-chan's note

no font today ;(

and remember kids

drink your sheets and fold your dishes

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