Day 1

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Day 1: Week 1 || The Disturbing Encounter

"DAMMIT!" A certain rainbow-haired girl yells from the living room. Following the sound of her loud outburst, she slams her cell phone on the coffee table. It echoes in the house and catches the attention of the other occupant of the house.

She is very frustrated, if it wasn't that obvious to tell before. She just received life changing news, and she wasn't liking it. One would say she's over exaggerating, but knowing Rainbow Dash, this was a big deal.

Footsteps could be heard from the top of the stairs coming down. The other occupant, a boy, was confused as to what all the ruckus was about. He made his way to the living room, and rolled his eyes upon seeing the fuming girl.

"Judging by how angry you are, they didn't tell you what you wanted to hear, did they?" The freakishly tall boy asked. She simply scoffed and buried her face in her hands.

"All the airlines in France are shut down, so that means-" Rainbow tried to explain, but was rudely interrupted.

"-I'm going to be stuck with you for months." He groaned and pounded a fist against the wall, almost puncturing a hole in it.

"Jeez Soarin, at least let me finish when I'm talking!"

Rainbow Dash and Soarin Skies hate each other's guts. The two have known each other since they were in the womb because their parents are the best of friends. One would think that during all that time spent together, Rainbow and Soarin would learn to enjoy the others company, but it's the opposite for them, actually. The more time they spent together, the more their hate for each other grew. Their hate for each other is exactly why their parents went on vacation in France: to get away from their children.

Now, the two sixteen year olds are trapped inside their house because of the spread of the so called "Equis Virus". The entire world is on lockdown, so things such as schools, hospitals, and restaurants are closed. Anyone who steps foot outside without a mask is taken under custody until the lockdown is over. Only essential workers are allowed outside, but solely for the purpose of work, and nothing else.

The government has also made exceptions for grocery stores and hospital emergencies. Other than that, no gatherings that involve more than ten people are allowed. Restaurants must be take out or delivery, taking walks are discouraged, and pools . . . are open for some reason.

"How am I supposed to spend the next few months in the same house as you? I barely lasted a week!" Soarin exclaims as he throws his arms in the air. "I might accidentally kill you before we're actually let outside."

"Not if I kill you first," Dash grumbles.

"You're a foot and one inch shorter than me. All I have to do is step on you and you'd be dead." Soarin taunts her as a smirk creeps onto his face. He knows Dash is the more physical one out of the both of them, but she never wins the fights.

"YOU WANNA FUCKING GO?!" Dash rolls up her imaginary sleeves and clenches her fists. Her eyebrows are furrowed as low as they can go, and her eyes burned with fury.

"Dash, don't get yourself in another fight you can't win." He warned her, but she didn't listen as she launched at him. Soarin had the advantage over her, considering he was bigger size-wise. Before she could reach him, Soarin pushed her back so she would fall on the couch. He placed himself on top of her with his two legs on either side of her. "You know, under different circumstances, this would be rather sexy." He bounced his eyebrows and puckered his lips. His thumb stroked her bottom lip, hoping for a reaction out of her.

Dash was completely mortified. Her face turned a deep shade of red in contrast to her pale blue skin. She squirmed underneath him and attempted to get out of his grasp. She'd rather be anywhere than the position she was in right now. Sweat dripped down the sides of her face as Soarin licked his lips. Her body went limp. She lost another fight, again.

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