Day 5

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Day 5: Week 1 || That Time of the Month

Yesterday was a day to remember, though Rainbow Dash couldn't recall much of what happened after Soarin had left her room. Her head was doing much better now, and it had stopped throbbing from getting hit with a ball. She still had a little trouble staying balanced, and it only got worse when she stood up too fast. At least the pain in her head had stopped. Nothing was worse than the pain she was experiencing now.

"Grrrr," Dash growled in pain while clutching her lower abdomen. She woke up this morning a mess and she ran to the bathroom to get herself cleaned off. She had anticipated this would happen, but the event that occurred yesterday made her completely disregard the possibility of it coming today.

Yes. It's that time of the month.

After changing into a new set of bottoms, Dash flopped onto her bed and continued whining about the pain. She needed to take some pain reliever medicine, but that was downstairs, and she couldn't afford to feel any more pain than she already was. She grabbed her phone and sent a quick message to Soarin, hoping he would respond. The brightness of her cell phone blinded her eyes, and brought the pain to her head back.


It was super early in the morning, and Dash was not going back to sleep anytime soon. If Soarin didn't answer soon, she'd have to get the medicine herself. The fact that she thought he would actually come is beyond her ability of thinking right now. She needed a pain reliever as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Soarin was lying in his bed chatting with his friends when he saw a message from Rainbow pop onto his phone. She almost never texts him, especially at this time. He heard a scream from her room and instantly jumped out of bed and followed the noise. It was as if he acted on instinct due to how quick he abandoned his friends to go to her.

He swung the door of her room open and saw her writhing in her bed with her arms hugging her stomach. Had she eaten something bad last night? Maybe the soup he fed her yesterday did more harm than good. After all, she did say it tasted bad. Hopefully it wasn't expired because he had forgotten to check.

"Dash! What's going on?" He ran to her side as she rocked herself from side to side. "Does your head still hurt?"

"My head's not important right now. Did you bring it?" Dash looked up at him with hope in her eyes, but Soarin honestly had no idea what she was talking about. Wow, she was referring to the message he didn't even read.

"I . . . no," he slowly admitted just before Dash let out another cry. He put two and two together and realized what was really going on.

"Please just . . . get the acetaminophen," she croaked. Soarin rushed out of the room to get it before she could even say the full name of the medicine. She smiled at how caring he was, but it immediately faded after remembering what she had asked him yesterday.

"Why . . . are you being so . . . nice to me?"

She understands that he had unintentionally hurt her yesterday, so he felt obligated to nurse her back to health. But today, he helped her without complaining or question. It's not that she didn't want him to be nice to her. She's just scared that he might just be pranking her again. Her trust in him faded after that. He said he'd never hurt her on purpose, but he meant physically. Not emotionally.

Soarin came back with a glass of water and a pill tube. He placed them on the nightstand beside her bed and sat beside Dash. He hooked his arms around her small figure and slowly helped her sit up. When she groaned, a wave of sympathy washed over him. So this is what girls have to go through every month? He pondered over the thought. He wouldn't be able to do it even if he tried.

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