Day 10

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Day 10: Week 2 || Leaving the House

Just when things were starting to look up, the relationship between Rainbow Dash and Soarin Skies was in shambles. Sure, they had just became friends about three days ago, but what happened yesterday ruined all of that.

Dash didn't know what was weirder; Soarin pulling her into what seemed like a kiss, or the fact that he was going to kiss her in the first place. It's not that she didn't want him to. She just didn't know how to feel about the gesture.

Unlike the past few days of waking up with a pearly white smile, her face was scrunched into a frown. Her eyes were locked onto the space Soarin was sitting on yesterday. Oh how she wishes he were here . . .

After Soarin had left her room, he didn't say a word to her again unless Dash initiated the conversation. Even then, his replies were dry and one worded. It took her a while to realize he just didn't want to talk to her. It hurt to realize that, of course, but it was probably best to give him space.

But why should he need space? He's the one who nearly kissed her! Not the other way around. And she wasn't angry at him! If anything, she wants him to do it again, but without any interruptions.

Speaking of interruptions, what would have happened if Twilight had kept her mouth shut and just watched? Would their lips have connected? What would Soarin have done then?

Her mind was being attacked with thoughts and questions from the events of yesterday. She ignored the dizziness she was feeling and leapt up from her bed. She immediately regret doing so because her vision was filled with black spots right afterwards. Her equilibrium was off-centered, making her lose her balance and falling over.

"Ah!" She yelped as she made contact with the floor. Dash lie on the beige carpet for a couple minutes before finding the will to stand up and continue what she was doing before.

She slowly made her way down the hallway towards Soarin's room, not wanting to disturb the force that had knocked her down. Her hands gripped the doorknob, slightly turning it and pushing the bedroom door open. The last time she was here, he was fast asleep on his bed. This time, he was wide awake, yet he didn't seem to be very aware.

"Did you fall?" Soarin piped up, not bothering to say good morning. His head was bowed, and his eyes were focused on whatever was in his lap. He wore a trouble expression on his face, though a hint of concern was also shown.

"Yeah, but -" she scans the room with her eyes, afraid to make eye contact with him, "- did I do something wrong?"

"Why would you think that?" He snapped his head ever so quickly in her direction. Unless she was mistaken, Dash could have sworn she heard his neck crack from the force. Her body flinched when he suddenly turned in her direction. "Please, don't ever blame yourself for things that aren't your fault."

"Then why are you avoiding me?" Her voice cracked at the end. Her face hardened as she absentmindedly trailed her hand to her wristbands, nervously fidgeting with them. Soarin took note of the action and understood the thought had been bothering her for quite some time.

Why am I avoiding her? Though I expected her to be, she clearly isn't angry at me for . . . you know.

"Dashie, I'm so sorry," he apologized. He buried his face into his hands, ashamed of making her feel as if she was to blame. "You probably already know how I've never had a female friend before, and because of that, I don't know how to act when I'm with you." Soarin allows a sharp inhale through his nose, exhaling the air slowly. He stared up at Dash's expression, which had softened out of sympathy. "I was afraid I messed up and doomed our relationship yesterday, so I reacted by staying away from you because I thought you were angry with me."

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