Day 16

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Day 16: Week 3|| FaceTiming

"Dash! Get out of the storm!"

"I can't control this fucking character!"

"Use your controller!"


Dash and Soarin took up the last half of their Monday morning and afternoon playing video games. They started at around ten am, initially starting with the game NEA 2k20. It's a game based off the national basketball league in Equestria. They played for about two hours before getting bored of watching their players lose.

Then they moved onto a more frustrating game, EquiNite. They should have finished playing two hours ago if Dash hadn't been such a sore loser. The couple played together online as a team against other players, but they lost every time. Sure, Soarin was upset about losing the first five times, but after the twentieth game, he just couldn't care less.

Dash hates losing with a burning passion. To others, it may seem like she's just being a bad team player, or even a sore loser. She always ignored these comments from others because her hate for losing was what drove her to do better in every aspect of her life. Yes, even in video games.

"Can you just quit the game? You're low on health and you're not even halfway through the storm. Face it, you're dead," Soarin groaned as Dash continued to attempt at pulling her character into the safe zone. The "storm" is a part of the game that keeps players from hiding out in the outer edges of the game map, causing the game to move forward and forcing campers to move around. Unfortunately, Dash has forgotten about the storm feature, and found herself trapped inside.

"But I wanna win!" Dash whined, not taking her eyes off the television screen. She noticed her health bar was at an extreme low, and yet she still hadn't made it out the storm. She decided she was taking it a little too seriously and accepted defeat, no matter how much it hurt. "YOU DIED #15 PLACE," read the screen.

"Wow. You didn't even make top ten," Soarin deadpans as Dash fumes in her seat. She crossed her arms and pouts as she stared at the screen.

"I hate you." She throws the controller behind the couch and slouches in her seat. "Six hours of my time wasted."

"Uh, you're the one who kept us here!" Soarin exclaims, clearly upset. He knows about her competitiveness and hate of losing, but at times it just got to the point where it became so frustrating. He is desperately trying to keep calm, but it didn't seem to be working. "If you didn't get so competitive-"

"Yeah, I know. It's my fault. I get it," Dash cuts him off before he could scold her. She wasn't in the mood to hear it, considering she was pissed off for dying in the game for the millionth time. She releases an exhale as she stares at the television that still hard the large words of defeat onscreen.

Soarin was busy on his cell phone texting his best friend about the wonderful day he had (note the sarcasm). He's bummed about not being able to do something more productive, but at the same time, what else could they possibly do? They aren't allowed to leave the house and go anywhere exciting because of a deadly virus spreading around the world.

Thunderlane had texted first, asking what he was doing at the moment. Soarin found it unusual because Thunderlane would only text him something like that when he wanted something. He sighs as he punched the letters on his cell phone screen. He had lost interest in the conversation that had barely started after he made his realization.

"I just got off the game with Dash. What do you need?" He wrote.

"Can you join the FaceTime call with the other guys? Bros before hoes," Thunderlane texted back. Soarin rolled his eyes at the last statement. He doesn't know how to feel about it because he loves Dash, and if he has to put her before his "bro's", then he will. Sure, he'd join the call, but only because he doesn't have anything to do.

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