Day 7

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Day 7: Week 1 || Apologies

The next day at exactly 7 o'clock in the morning, Dash called both her parents. In France, it was an hour past noon, so she knew her parents would be awake by now. They were very energetic and weren't the type of people to sleep in past 11.

Dash patiently waited for either one of her parents to answer as the phone rang. She was surprised she hadn't lost her mind yet because she hated the sound of a phone ringing before a call.

"Hello?" A female voice said on the other line.

"Hi, Mom," Dash responded.

"Hey sweetheart. How have you been?" Her mom, Windy Whistles, kindly asked her daughter. "You're not calling me because of Soarin, are you?"

"No, Mom. And I'm fine."

Except Dash was everything but fine. Soarin's words hurt, not because they were insults to her, but because they were true. She was a bitch to everyone, even to her closest friends, and that unfortunately made up half her character. It was as if she couldn't go a day without saying something rude. At least, that's what Dash believed.

Was she the reason why Soarin and her never got along? Because she liked fighting with him and she didn't see a problem with it? They could've been friends, great friends, but her bitchiness got in the way of her kindness.

"Are you still on the line, Dashie?" Her mom's voice caught her off guard. Dash hummed in response, still deep in her thoughts. "What do you need?"

"It's okay if you say no, but . . ." Dash trails off, "can I sleep over at Fluttershy's house?" She shut her eyes and anticipated her mom's response. Her body was lightly shaking from the silence and her mom being unresponsive.

"Your father and I don't have problem with it, but I have two questions to ask you." Dash was relieved from hearing she was permitted to go to Fluttershy's house. She needed to speak with her in person anyway. What made her nervous was her mom's next questions. "What are you going to do about Zephyr?"


Dash had forgotten about Zephyr Breeze, Fluttershy's younger brother by one year. There was no one in the school that liked Dash more than he did. Zephyr would gift her with flowers, heart shaped candy, and even the latest edition Daring Do books if he could. He was obsessed with her.

"I've already taken care of it, Mom. Don't worry," She fibbed while trying to hide the wavering in her voice. "What's the second question?"

"Did Soarin say or do something to you? And don't lie to me, because I will find out," her mom said sternly. Dash came up with another lie, but it was pointless to say because her mom knew when she was lying. It actually surprised her that she fell for the one before.

"I-Is it true that I'm a bitch?"

"No. But it is true that you are brutally honest. Some people may take it as you being rude, when it's just you being yourself. And there's nothing wrong with that, sweetheart." She explained thoroughly. One would expect her words to make Dash feel better, but it only made her feel worse.

"So, Soarin's right then?" Dash asks. "He said my personality is based off treating people like shit," she says before her mom could say a single word. If they were FaceTiming, her mom would definitely have a bewildered look on her face.

Dash heard the feedback in the background cease, probably meaning her mom was on mute.

"Rainbow Dash, I need to speak to Soarin," she heard her dad, Bow Hot Hoof, say.

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