Day 11

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Day 11: Week 2 || Venting

Dash ended up beating Soarin in the race back to the car. As a reward for her victory, she got to drive all the way back to the house. She's a very reckless driver, and Soarin was reluctant to even let her take the wheel of his car. Since his parents surprised him with it on his birthday, he hadn't gotten a single scratch on it.

It was a navy blue sedan with tinted windows and heat resistant seats. It was helpful when the sun was beating its rays onto the dark colored car. Unfortunately, the metal of the seat belts weren't as resistant as the seats. They still burned like hell when making contact with them after they've been sitting under the sun for many hours.

Soarin held onto his chair for dear life as Dash maneuvered towards cars without slowing down in the slightest. At one point, Soarin even had to grab the wheel and turn it so the car wouldn't get too close to the curb. Yes, she was that reckless. It made him wonder how she even got her license.

For the rest of the day yesterday, they simply played video games together, continuing the neighbor game they were playing a few days ago. Of course, Dash screamed as she got herself caught by the neighbor again, but this time, she enjoyed spending time with him knowing he wasn't angry with her.

They were at peace.

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Dash arose from her bed upon smelling the fresh aroma of breakfast. Her nose could distinguish what each scent was coming from. Tater tots, pancakes, and even eggs. Soarin must be making breakfast for the two of them again, and thank goodness he was. She was exhausted and she didn't feel like doing any work at the moment. 

Just as she was about to hop off her bed and jog to the kitchen, she remembered the events of the third day they were stuck with each other. Soarin had prepared a huge breakfast and acted uncharacteristically nice to her, only to find out it was all a prank. She knows he's already apologized for it, but she's still afraid that the day was repeating itself.

Now that she was thinking about it, the kindness didn't stop there. Approximately seven days ago, Soarin had accidentally hit her in the face with a basketball, and he was so quick to tend to her injury that she didn't even have to blink. Okay, maybe that was because he just felt guilty for hurting her. But the day after was a different story.

She had been experiencing very painful period cramps, and Soarin was there through it all. All she had asked for was some acetaminophen, but he didn't stop there. He made cereal for her, cleaned up the vomit she left on the floor, and even slept with her. He didn't have to do that. Cramps were normal during periods, and she got them every month of the year, but Soarin made an exception this month. Why?

Let's not forget about the waist hugging and hand holding. He is very touchy with her . . .

Snapping out of her thoughts, Dash's hand hovered over the doorknob while shaking. Should she even go down? What if she ends up like last time? What if he's acting again? What if-

Before she could make a decision, her bedroom door swung open, slamming directly on her nose. She rubbed her nose in pain and winced as it throbbed. Her vision blurred for two seconds and almost caused her to fall backwards on the floor.

"Dashie! Did I hit you?" Her favorite navy blue haired boy watched as she held her nose with both of her hands, groaning in pain. "Come on, lemme get you some ice." He takes one of her hands that covered her nose and leads her out of the door and down the stairs. He's doing it again, she sighs.

Once the pair was downstairs, Soarin opened the freezer and filled a plastic ziplock bag with ice from the ice maker. He sealed the bag shut and removed her other hand from her nose. Dash's nose had turned a light shade of red compared to her pale blue skin. Soarin winced at the color, but didn't let it stop him from treating her.

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