5 | Found Him!

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Yeonjun walked out of the cafe with the business card in his hand, looking at it as he dialled the number stated at the bottom right of the card. He reached for his phone and was about to press the "call" button until all of a sudden, he bumped into someone.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry- I wasn't looking where I was going and-" spluttered Yeonjun ad he looked up to see the person he had just, very, abruptly bumped into.

"Secretary Kim?" Yeonjun cried, feeling relieved that he didn't just make a fool of himself in front of a complete stranger.

"Oh! Yeonjun! I'm pretty sure Bang PD-nim had already told you the reason why I wasn't in the office today,"

"Ah right..." Yeonjun uttered bitterly, lowering his voice as he recalled the reason for his secretary's absence.

"Secretary Kim, where are you headed to?"

"To grab a cup of coffee,"

"Careful there's an employee who's extremely careless" he cursed silently under his breath.

"A what?" Secretary Kim spoke back.

"It's nothing, have a good day!" He said as he hurried back to the TYU building.


The sweet jingle of the bells greeted her presence as Secretary Kim walked towards the cashier to order her drink. "One tall cup of caramel macchiato with extra cream please," she spoke, reciting her order.

"Got it! Soobin! One tall cup of caramel macchiato with extra cream for table no.27!" Hueningkai called out before being replied with an "okay!" from the brewing section of the cafe.

Getting her receipt, she sat down at table No. 27, massaging her temples vigorously in an attempt to soothe her throbbing headache. To think just earlier this morning she was given the task to find a date for Yeonjun by Bang PD-nim, who was making it sound as if finding someone who's: good-looking, polite and tall was the easiest thing in the world.

Having to literally drive around the whole city of Seoul throughout the entire day, her luck was just as good as being able to spot a four-leaf clover as she whipped her phone out, turning on the tinder application as her VERY last resort in hopes of finding someone decent. It just seemed as if no matter where she looked, there just wasn't a person who would be the perfect date for Yeonjun.

Secretary Kim was on a swiping right spree until she was shortly interrupted by a soothing voice, "hello miss, here's your caramel macchiato."

Taken aback by the voice of an angel's, she looked up to see a beautiful man practically towering over her. Despite his height, he had the softest and most delicates facial features she has ever laid her eyes on. She examined the man's face, immediately mesmerised ad bewitched by his beautiful brown eyes, his perfectly sculpted buttoned nose which resembled a bunny's. The man had a charismatic, yet humble smile which was warm enough to send butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. And of course his dimples; it was the most charming aspect of his whole facial appearance.

Oh my god.

"Uhm, miss your order," Soobin spoke, trying to drive the lady's attention back to the drink he was carrying on his tray.

"A-Ah, y-yes..." she stammered, overwhelmed by the man's dashing appearance. For a second, she even wondered if whether or not he was a celebrity.

"Have a good day!" Soobin smiled, about to walk back towards the brewing area until being stopped by the strangest request he has ever heard:

"Wait!" Secretary Kim called out, "by any chance, are you interested in a job?" She asked eagerly.

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