Chapter 13

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He is on drugs!

I bet that its steroids!

I angrily walked out of my house, closing the door on my way, making my way swiftly over to Anthony's. I know that he wants to tell me and why it might ruin out friendship! It's because he is on drugs! I didn't want to believe it, but what the hell else could it be?

I mean that boy got so huge so quickly. Its impossible to get so buff in that little time and steroids can do that. I am really disappointed in him. I know that he knows I hate people who do drugs.

I am going to beat the crap out of that boy! Then I will let his have a go out of it! And then his mother! The soccer coach! All his teammates!

I went up to the door and knocked on the door, trying to control the urge to bang on it. A moment later, the door opened and Joe gave me his usual friendly smile, "Hey Sarah, what's up?"

"Can I please talk to Anthony?" I asked.

He looked confused and then he talked sternly, "Umm, well he is kind of in the shower right now. But he should be out any moment now," he said, stepping aside.

I smiled and thanked him. I went over to the stairs and decided this was the perfect time to go searching his room for anything weird like in a small medical jar and a needle. I went over to his room and my face turned into disgust when I noticed that It was really messy. His clothes and a bunch or trash was everywhere. I needed to act fast before Anthony walked out.

I went over to his bed and looked underneath it. I covered my nose and my dropped my mouth at the excessive amount of dust under there and his smelly shoes! Eww!

My mouth dropped all the way to the floor when I saw a freaking Play boy magazine! What the hell is he doing with a playboy magazine? I wonder if his momma knows about this.

Huh, if he is doing steroids, doesn't this mean that Anthonys-Junior down there is going to get small? I shook my head at the thought and wanted to punch myself for even thinking like that.

I threw the magazine back under the bed and dug my hand between the two mattresses. Didn't feel anything, so I pulled my hand free. I went over to his closet and sadly, I dug my hands in his shoe holes to see if he stuffed anything in them. I wanted to puke since his shoes reek, but still I have come up with nothing. I got up and closed it when I realized that it was safe in there.

I went over to the table stand where his TV was and opened the draw to see useless junk. I checked his trash can that's next to the table stand and again. nothing came up. I got up and went over to the dresser. I stopped when I saw a picture of us when we were younger. I was 15 and he was 16. He had his arm around me and he squeezed me close to him as he snapped the picture. Good times, I thought and looked around his dresser, but saw useless junk again and guy stuff like deodorant and cologne.

I opened one draw and went through his t-shirts and pajama pants. Nothing. I went to the next one, where his jeans were and saw nothing unusual stuff but a few coins.

I went to his next jean dresser and rolled my eyes when I saw a box of condoms in there. I opened the next one where he mad mismatched socks. How does this boy get properly dressed on a daily basis?

I opened his underwear draw, but hesitated since I didn't actually want to touch his briefs. I took a dark grey pair out. I always kind of figured he was a briefs kind of guy...

"I have heard of guys stealing girls panties," I head Anthony voice at the door and I squealed and jumped. I quickly looked over at an extremely amused Anthony and my face burned up. He was leaning on the door frame on his right shoulder and he had nothing on but a towel around his waist and I couldn't stop my eyes from looking at his delicious six-pack. I seriously wanted to cross my legs right now and I snapped my head back up to look at him grinning as he walked over to me, "But a girl stealing a guys pair? I never took you as the kind, Sarah." he chuckled as he snatched them from my hands.

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