Chapter 2

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I saw Anthony sitting over at the lunch table alone as he typed on his phone. I had told him to come here without me when he came to pick me up a little while ago. I jogged--trying to be as sneaky as I could at the same time, happy that other students were around-- then I threw my arms up and wrapped them around his neck... securing him in my hold.

"Happy birthday. happy birthday, happy birthday to you! I sang.

I didn't expect him to jump or anything so all he did was chuckle, "Nice try, idiot." I pursed my lips as I sat down next to him and held the container of the two double chocolate peanut butter icing cupcakes. Which were his favorite by far!

I sat down next to him, "I made you these." I said, smiling once again in his direction.

He opened the container and examined them, "You made them?" he questioned suspiciously and arched up an eyebrow.

"Welllllll," I said slowly. "I had help."

I am no Betty Crocker and Anthony knows that. If I try to bake anything, It is always either under cooked or burned. My mom is an amazing cook though and she knows how to make the best cupcakes... but not only that.. she is the best cook that I know.

I just simply rolled my eyes and lifted my bag to take out the milk pint which I gave to him. He thanked me and finished both of the cupcakes I handed him. He took gulps of the milk and it was empty in the matter of ten seconds. My mouth dropped open in surprise.

"Whoa, hungry?" I asked, and he just smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I am. I ate breakfast, but I am still hungry for some odd reason."

"Well, cupcakes aren't really that good of a choice for breakfast, but I mean... I guess since it is your birthday, It can be overlooked." I said

He frowned, "It isn't my birthday until ten thirteen tonight," Again, I raised my eyebrows at this statement. What is scaring him so much? Why does he hate it when someone brings it up to him? It's like when his friend Danny brought up having a party this weekend for him and Anthony got pissed off and told him 'no'. All he did was get mad whenever someone would bring up his birthday and I am getting pretty damn sick of this.

"Okay, tell me," I said, crossing my left leg over my right one, crossing my arms over my chest in the same motion. He gave me a confused look and raised his eyebrow. "Why are you so scared? What is so bad about your birthday?"

"You wouldn't understand." He said again for the thousandth time. Every time I try to ask this is always his answer, it has never changed.

"Understand what?" I asked. "Just tell me and I will try."

He shook his head, "No, I cant. I'm sorry, but I just cant talk about it."

Getting extremely irritated, I scowled at him and got up from the chair and threw my bag over my shoulder, "You know what, Anthony? Forget it, Just forget it all. I am sorry that I'm just curious and very concerned for you. I thought that maybe I could help and hopefully make your 18th birthday wonderful. I am sorry for caring and trying," with that final statement, I turned and walked away.

I heard his chair screech, "Sarah wait I'm sorry!" he called out, but my stubborn self continued to walk away from him.

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared down at the ground as I got lost in thought. Why does he have to be such an immature jerk? What is so big that he couldn't even talk to me about it and just simply tell me? I am his best friend for God sakes! We pretty much grew up with each other and now he has decided to just become... distant?

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