Chapter 2

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I walk into the huge ball room in the palace to see how the preparations for the celebration was coming on. The room was decorated in gold and white and the chairs and tables were being arranged in an intricate pattern. It was really awesome and then a  voice pulled me out of my thoughts. " What do you think of the decorations Dilan?" My mum asked as she was directing some men to hang a diamond chandelier at the centre of the ball room. " Their incredible,  you've really done a great job here. " I told her.

" Oh my Gosh this is all so spectacular mom. " my twin sister Denise said as she enters the ball room and looks around. " Hey freckles" she called and a let out a low growl. " You know I hate that name" I said through clenched teeth.  " That's exactly why I call you that" she said and sticks out her tongue at me. " Dilan, Denise please try to behave  yourselves. " my mum said, her full attention finally averted to us. " Now I hope you both know the purpose of this celebration?" She asked.

"To celebrate your long and successful term in office as the Queen of Werewolves. " my sister and I say in unison. " Yes.  But there's one more reason. I want to announce that I would soon be stepping down as Queen so you can take over. " she stated, directed at me and I gave her a confused look.  " But mom, I thought I can't take over from you till I find my mate?" I asked, voicing out my confusion. " Yes. So I am hoping you get to meet your mate at the celebration. If you do then I'll give the announcement.  If you don't then you'll have to go out in search of your mate again. I'm not getting any younger Dilan and the pack needs someone strong to lead them." my mom stated and I nodded in agreement.

My sister Denise found her mate shortly after we turned sixteen two years ago. He is the Alpha of the Full Moon Pack, the strongest pack after we the Royals and has been living with him since. They were given the title Alpha and Luna shortly after Denise and I turned eighteen and have been ruling their pack well. She only came over to help my mum plan the celebration.

I've been searching for my mate ever since I turned sixteen but haven't had any luck yet but I haven't lost hope. Maybe I'll find her at the celebration. When I do find her I'll make sure I'm the best mate ever to her. I'll love, protect and spoil her. She'll never lack anything.  I'll rule with her by my side being a sweet and kindhearted Luna to my people.  We'd have a lovely family and I'll be the best dad I can be to my kids. I have a feeling I'll find my mate soon, she's all I can think about.

" I wonder how my sister in law is going to be like. Will she be cocky or sweet, an introvert or extrovert,  is she going to love shopping like I do cause I'm in dying need of a shopping buddy and-" I put my hand over her mouth to end all her rattling cause it's making me nervous.  "For goodess sake , stop talking Denise" I say and take my hand off her mouth when she bites me. " Ow, you're definitely insane.  How does Eric put up with you?" I said and she rolls her eyes at me.

I excuse myself and head to my office to take care of some paperwork yet all I could think of was my mate. I stop and go and make sure that all the preparations for the arrival of the guests tomorrow were in place. Since some of the packs lived quite a distance from the castle they would be coming tomorrow evening and will leave on Sunday morning as the event is on Saturday evening. When everything is in place I decide to go for a run to burn of some steam.

My clothes tear into shreds as I shift into my wolf and I immediately take off running into the woods.  The wind rushing through my fur makes my wolf move faster at an inhuman pace, zooming through the trees and only comes into a halt when he comes to a small pond to get a drink. While drinking I hear a twig break. Werewolves senses are heightened causing them to hear the slightest noise. I sniff the air and my wolf growls deeply....rougues... Soon I was surrounded by at least fifteen of them. I immediately growl deeply and bare my canines at them.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in cold tone void of emotions. "No need to be harsh, your royal highness" one said in a mocking tone. "We're just here to kill you" he added with a smirk on his face.  "I'd like to see you try" I said and lunged at him and digging my  canines into his neck before he could make his move till stopped moving and I was satisfied he was dead. Just then I felt a wolf's teeth dig into one of my hind paws. I kick him in the face causing him to sprawl across the floor and hit a tree and stopped moving.

I fought a few others before one scratched my side with his claws and blood started gushing out and stained my white fur. Just before the wolf could bite my neck a grey wolf pushed him off me and finished him off . I realised a group of like five people were now tearing the rougues into shreds and soon all the rougues were dead. Realising it was now safe I shifted back into a human and my side was bleeding fast and I had a broken spleen.

The other wolves shifted back into human form and grabbed some shorts from behind the trees and tossed me one. Werewolves always hide clothes in the forests in case of emergencies cause when we shift back we were totally naked. My wound was already starting to heal. Because of the adrenaline in our blood, werewolves have the abilities to heal ten times faster than  a human.

"Thanks Josh." I said to my beta/ best friend.... Joshua has been my best friend for as long as I remember and is like the brother I never had.. " I couldn't have you dying before I meet my sister in law." He said while grinning and I punch him in the arm. "How's your arm?" He asked with concern. " I've had worse days." I stated and we both laugh and head back through the woods to the castle.  "How did those rogues get so far inside our territory?" I asked, my  voice laced with confusion and worry.

" We don't know yet but we're working on it." Joshua said and I nodded in reply.  My thoughts went back to when he said he wanted to see my mate soon and I smiled. Joshua had a point... I couldn't die without finding my mate.

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