Chapter 11

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3rd Person's POV.

Diane and Dilan's kiss was becoming more intense and passionate . Dilan's wolf wanted to complete the mating bond but Dilan was trying his best to keep him at bay. Mia also wanted her mate to complete the bond so the could become stronger but it was evident that she was being Suppressed by Diane. Just then a knock came on the door and the couple had to put an end to their little moment. Dilan was pissed but walked over and opened the door. "What." He said in a monotone and glared at his beta who had an amused look on his face at the fact that he just interrupted something heated.

"Are you going to talk?" Dilan asked frustrated which caused his beta to smirk. "Well someone's grumpy." He said still smirking and then now had a serious look on his face . "It's  Jerome." He said in anger. "He's captured a pregnant woman and her four year old child and said he would only let her go if he meets Luna." he said and Dilan growled at the fact that Jerome wanted his mate. "Go make sure he doesn't hurt them. I'll deal with him in a sec. Tell Mark to come and guard Diane's room and not let her out no matter what she says." He orders his beta who nods in response and leaves.

Dilan walks back into his room frustrated and runs his fingers through his hair. "You can't risk the life of a pregnant woman and her child for me Dilan. I want to go face him." she said and he vigorously shook his head. "No you're not. That man is ruthless and I can't risk your life. Stay in here and don't leave this room no matter what." He ordered her with his alpha tone which caught her by surprise. Though she realized that his tone didn't work on her but she kept that information to herself. Dilan left and ordered Mark to stay at the door.

Diane you have to go there. I know for sure that if  Jerome doesn't see you he'll not hesitate to kill that so and her child. Mia told her. How am I going to get out of here without being noticed? Diane asked. I know a way. Tessa said. What's your idea miss smarty pants? Mia asked sarcastically. I know a spell that can make you invisible and then you can distract the guard at the door and go to where they are. Tess added. That's actually a good idea. Diane said. Sue- mar- koya, say it with me. Tess told Diane. " Sue- mar- koya" Diane spoke but she didn't feel anything happen. "Well..... Did it work?" Diane asked Tess. "Only one way to find out." She replied and Diane knocked over the vase on her vanity and it chattered into pieces. Mark rushed into the room and looked around and saw the broken vase on the floor but couldn't see Diane. "Your highness? Where are you?". He asked as he looked around and then knocked on the bathroom door.

It worked. Diane told Tess. Good now hurry up and leave. Tess told her and with that said she ran out of the room and down the stairs. Soon she was out in the forest following Dilan's scent and when she was getting closer she slowed down. Jerome had become impatient and didn't want to have any form of agreement with Dilan. "Listen nephew I don't have the time nor the patience to play games with you." He said in a stern voice and mind linked the rogues to get ready to attack if he doesn't get what he wants. "You have exactly five seconds to hand over the goddess or say goodbye to this woman and her child. I haven't even had my blood for today so she's going be my snack." he said evilly as he held the little girl's neck and she screamed and kicked effortlessly. "Please!! Don't hurt my little girl. Take me instead. I beg you." Her mother cried and one of the rogues held her. "1... 2...3...” he counted as his fangs began to show and he smirked.

How do I become visible again?  Diane asked Tess in her head. Re-nae-koya. Tess simply said. "Re-nae-koya." Diane recited and stepped out of where she was hiding. "Stop!" She said and power and dominance seeped from her voice and all heads present turned to face her. "Look who finally decides to join our little get together." Jerome said smirking. "The moon goddess wolf." He said in a mocking tone. "Diane I thought I told you to stay in the room?" Dilan asked through their link. " Yes, and I ignored you." she said and Dilan growled. "Oh, I see what the problem is... Little nephew here doesn't want to give up the special one cause she's his mate... How cute." Jerome said and laughed. "How pathetic. You see this is why having a mate is never a good thing. It makes you weak." He spat.

"You want me? Fine. Let the woman and her child go and I'll willingly leave with you." Diane negotiated. "Now we're getting somewhere. Walk over to me and I'll let them go." Diane nodded and started to slowly walk over to Jerome and Dilan held her wrist and looked into her eyes pleadingly." Don't do this.  Don't leave me." He said and pulled her in for a hug which she responded to. "Just trust me." She whispered into his ear and pulled away and kissed his cheek. "Ugh!! Will you stop this cheesiness? My patience is running low." He said annoyed. She continued walking towards Jerome and he released the woman and her child when Diane was in his grasp. He grabbed Diane and she punched his in his area and he let her go and groaned. "Sue-mar-koya." Diane whispered immediately before Jerome could shout to his goons to get her. Now everyone was confused because she suddenly disappeared.

"Is this some sort of joke!?? We had a deal!!" Jerome yelled in anger. "If you know what's good for you and your men you will leave my land before I kill you all myself." Dilan said as his eyes darkened. Although he didn't get what just happened he trusted his mate. "This is not over!! I'll be back." Jerome yelled before he told his men to retreat and he left in the blink of and eye with the help of his vampire speed. "Your Majesty I'm so sorry. I caused all this." The pregnant woman cried. "Its okay. Blake, take her to the pack doctor so she can check on the baby and get her a room in the palace so she can stay with her daughter."  Dilan said to his beta and dismissed everyone. They all left till he was the only one standing there. "Diane?" He called out but got no answer. He called out a few more time but still no answer so he went back to the palace.

As soon as he entered the palace he was met by Diane's mum. "Diane? Dilan where's my daughter?" She asked but he didn't respond. "Answer me!!" She yelled at him while a tear run down her cheek. "I...I don't know. She... Disappeared." He stuttered and her mom looked at him in shock. "What do you mean she disappeared?" She asked sounding confused. "I don't know. She just vanished." He said and walked away to his room, ignoring her mother's calls. He was still in shock and worried about Diane. He entered his room and saw an omega sweeping away glass from the floor. "Leave." He ordered and she immediately picked up the broom and dustpan and left with her head down.

He sat down on his bed with his in his hands, confused, worried, but also happy that she wasn't with Jerome. He ran his fingers through his hair .Just then he realised there were two legs in cute pink flats, he looked up and saw his world standing in front of him. His mate, his beautiful, beautiful mate who was everything to him. He got up and hugged her tightly. "I thought I lost you." He whispered as he breath in her sweet scent. She smiled, "I'll always come back to you." She whispered back. He looked into her eyes and smiled he leaned in and placed a light kiss on her lips. "I love you." He said to her but she just smiled . She couldn't bring herself to say it back cause she didn't really know how she felt about him.

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