Chapter 6

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I stirred in the bed as I began feeling restless. All of a sudden an excruciating pain shot right through my body causing me to scream. It seemed to have stopped when a more excruciating one followed and I winced in pain and I was literally screaming my head off. What's happening to me? Miaaa... I screamed in my head but got no response. Just then Dilan burst through the doors with a pained expression on his face... his woodsy scent mixed with a slight hint of flowers fill the the room as his Alpha wolf has taken control since he knows his mate is in danger. His smell overwhelms me and for some reason I relax. He holds me in his arms and looks into my eyes with worry, "Diane... Babe... what's wrong?" He said in a soft tone. Babe? Did he just call me babe?

"What's going on???" The doctor asked as she looked at me lying in a ball on the floor. "She's been screaming her head off since I got here. Doc what's wrong with her." he asked and I could sense fear in his voice. She comes close to me and examines me for a moment and I bite down on my lower lip to avoid screaming. "Ah, she's okay." She says which causes me furrow my brows at her in anger." What do you mean I'm okay!!! I'm in fucking pain for goodness sake!!" I scream at her in my head but she chuckled at the enraged expression on my face which just fuelled my anger." What I meant was that she's in pain because you marked her. Since she never consented to the bond she's going to be in pain for a while and since she's a Luna it's much more painful. She's also going to be extremely moody and emotional. Not to be a pain in the neck but... you'll be in worse pain when you go into heat. "

I ignored all the pleasure rushing through my body as Dilan's holds me and push myself away from him. The pain returns to excruciating as soon as I push him away from him which causes me to crumble back to the ground in pain. God, please make this end, I prayed. Babe I'm sorry. Dilan's voice infiltrated my thoughts. Get out of my thoughts, stop apologising and stop calling me babe!! I yell at him through our mind link and put up a mind block. That seemed to have drained the little energy I had left cause my vision became blurry and I began seeing black dots and soon I blacked out.

Dilan's POV.

I've been sitting in front of her room since she told me she didn't want to see me. I hate you. Her words rung in my head as I sat there in utter silence and my heart clenched as I remembered all that happened. She didn't mean it, she was just upset cause she didn't understand that if you wouldn't do it you would have lost her. My wolf said to me. He was right but she was also right I didn't have any right to mark her without her permission. Ahhhhh!!! A scream pulled me out of my thoughts. Mate. My wolf growled at the thought of the fact that our mate might be in trouble and I immediately burst through the doors of her room and looked around till my eyes land on her crouched in one conner of her room on the floor. I run to her and put her in my arms as she let out another terrified shriek.

"Diane... Babe what's wrong with you??" I asked her calmly but she just looked terrified and her eyes were bloodshot. What the hell was happening to her? Just then the doctor barged in , "What is going on??" She asked and looked down at us. "She's been screaming her head off since I got here. Doc what's wrong with her??" I asked cause I was scared ... I don't want to lose her. She examined her for a while and takes a step back. "Ah, she's okay. " she said casually and I looked at her confused. Is she trying to say my mates going mad or what cause no one can scream their head of like that for no reason. She chuckled, " What I meant to say was that she's in pain because you marked her. Since she never consented to the bond she's going to be in pain for a while and since she's a Luna it's going to be more painful. She's also going to be extremely moody and emotional. Not to be a pain in the neck.... but you're going to be in much more pain when you go into heat. " she said, the last sentence directed at my mate. A feeling of guilt and worry washed over me. She was in this awful situation because of me.

She immediately shoved me away and attempted to get up but crumbled back to the floor. She was in pain, all that was running through her thoughts as I read it was that it was my fault .Babe I'm sorry, I mind linked her. Get out of my thoughts, stop apologising and stop calling me babe! !! She yelled through the link in tone void of emotions and blocked the link. My wolf growled within me at the coldness of our mate towards us. I watched her as she slowly lost consciousness.

"You can take her home if you want." The doctor said which caused me to look at her confused." I'll sedate her, prescribe some drugs and I'll release her. What she needs right now to get better is her family, and most of all you, to ease the pain, not to be locked up in a hospital.... "She's much stronger than you know, actually one of the strongest Lunas I've come across." she added. I took in what she said for a moment and hesitate, "Okay, I'll take her home. You're right, maybe all she needs to get better is her family." I admitted more to myself than the doctor.

Not long after she was ready to go home with me, to her new home and her new life, with me. I know I'd have to work really hard to get her to feel the way I feel about her. Since the moment I saw her I knew she wasn't just my mate.... but the love of my life. I instantly fell in love with her and I'm not going to let her go just because she thinks she doesn't need a mate. I'm ready to fight for her.... for us. We get home soon and I carry her to our room and placed her gently on the bed. I stand there and admire her sleep, she's so gorgeous and so peaceful when she was asleep. "I heard you guys were back. How is she??" My mom asks me as she leaned on the door frame of our room with a smile on her face but I could tell she was worried.

I walk over to her and hug her briefly. "She's... better" I answered as I run my fingers through my hair frustrated. "She's going to be okay Dilan. You also need rest so you can be strong for her." She said and I nodded in agreement and start to walk out of my room when my mum holds my wrist. "Where are you going? Won't you sleep by your mate?" she asked looking confused. "Ummm... I have to go get some work done first." I answered a bit nervously and my mum gave me her what's-going-on look. "We both know that's a lie.. you've been looking for your mate so long I don't think your work is more important than you being with her when she needs you." She said as a matter-of-fact and I sighed. "What's going on Dilan?" she asked curiously. I've never been able to lie to my mum unlike Denise who was great at it. I passed my hand through my hair on more time. "My mate hates me mum." I spat out and my wolf growls deeply at me but I ignore it and sigh. My mum gasps and gives me her that's-not-possible look. "Why on earth would you ever think that? She's your mate, she can't hate you for crying out loud." she said and I shrugged which made her more confused.

"The night I met Diane... I told her how hard I'd been searching for her..." I started narrating to my mum. "She told me she didn't want a mate ... that she'd been praying she wouldn't meet me..." I continued and my mums eyes widen in shock. "After she had been shot that night I felt my world crumble, even though she told me she didn't want me... the doctor said she was losing a lot of blood and since she was shot twice the wolfs bane had weakened her wolf so she wasn't healing." I added and my mum looked at me sadly," she said the only thing that would save her is if I mark her so that it could give her wolf more strength for both of them to heal. I did it... despite the fact that she told me she didn't want a mate... that she didn't want me.... and now she hates me." I concluded, sounding defeated and my mum squeazed my shoulder gently to console me.

"She hates you for saving her life? Or she hates the fact that she had to admit that the mate bond is what saved her?" My mum asked and I glanced at her and she smiled." Son.. she doesn't hate you... she's mad at the mate bond, not you. Show her how much you care, how much you love her, prove to her that your connection goes further than a mates bond." She said as she stroked my cheek in circular patterns and I smiled. "Thanks mom... you're the best." I said and hugged her tight and twirled her around and she squealed as I put her down. "You're going to wake her up!" She whisper yelled and smacked the back of my head and I winced in pain. "I have to leave now. I have a few things to attend to. I'll see you later." she said and planted a kiss on my forehead and left.

I sighed and turned my attention back to sleeping beaty who was so sound asleep like she didn't have a care in the world. I smiled and walked over to the edge of the bed and brushed off a bangle from her face and tucked it behind her ear. I took off my shirt and lay down beside her and watched her sleep. Soon my eyes were shutting and I welcomed the sleep that was much needed.

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