Chapter 5

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I flutter my eyes open and try to adjust to the light in the room. The room was white with no way to get in or out. I look around to try and figure out where I am. Just then everything comes rushing back to me.

** Flashback**

After I met my mate I run off into the woods to clear my head. I stopped when I came to a big boulder and sat on it as I was arguing with Mia in my head when I heard a twig snap. I looked around to see if I could see where the noise was coming from and just then I smelled rogues. Mia growled as one came in the opened followed by amount four more behind him ,I snarled at them and bared my canines at them.

The leader just shrugged and had a smirk on his face. " You don't scare me . " he stated. " What are you doing here. This is royal territory. Get of this land. " I said in a sharp and harsh tone. " Ouu, feisty huh? You know, we came for the King but I think you'll do. Killing the future Queen would just break him down would could be more fun to watch. " he said and just then it hit me, I was going to be the Queen of the Werewolves. My mate was King Dilan, I can't bare that much responsibility, I'm not ready for it. It seems I was distracted in my thoughts for a while which gave the rogue enough time to pull out a gun at me which made me flinch.

I growled at him. " Now, now. If I were you I'd be a good girl so I wouldn't get on my bad side. You see, this gun is loaded with silver bullets laced with wolfs bane. Well, I guess it sucks to be you." He said and I was scared but made sure it didn't show on my face. " I don't think he's going to even care. " I said but it sounded like I was trying to convince myself. He already loves me but doesn't know me and yet I could see how much he cared in his eyes. I was distracted again and then I heard a gunshot and fear spread across my face, I was just shot in my side. I silver and wolfs bane started moving through my body and I was in excruciating pain yet all I could let out was a gasp.

The rogues just laughed. "Hope you enjoy death." one said as I fell to the ground and they left. Mia.... Mia. Are you okay? I asked my wolf but got no answer. D...Diane. .. I can't take this... it hurts. She managed to answer in a voice almost a whisper. Just then I felt Dilan pick me up in his arms but I couldn't make out all that he was saying. Just a bit about he not knowing my name . "D...Diane." I managed to say before the darkness finally consumed me.

End of flashback***

I'm still in the white room when I notice the silhouette of a wolf in one corner. I get closer and see a beautiful light grey coloured wolf, it was Mia, my wolf. I get closer and she growls before recognising me and allowing me to pet her fur. "What's going on Mia? Where am I ?" I ask her gently as I pet her fur. "You're in a coma D. You've been unconscious for a while. You have to go back, your family needs you." she mind linked. She was still quite weak from the wolfs bane. " Are you sure? Can't I stay with you for a while, at least till you get better?" I asked her and she shook her head.."Please go back, mate needs you." she pleaded. "Ugh!! He's the reason why I'm in this condition. If I hadn't met him I'd be with my family right now instead of a coma." I stated. Actually, it is your fault. If you had accepted him and stayed with him you wouldn't be here so don't you dare blame him. You're the one at fault. Why won't you just accept him? " she asked. "Cause..-" I sighed "Cause I want to fall in love on my own and not because of a mate bond. I wanna find my true love on my own." I admitted. "Give him a chance to love you at least. And if you still feel the same way then I won't stop you from having your way." she said. "Okay" I said and sighed. "Now just close your eyes and when you open it you'd be awake." She said.

I follow her instructions and soon I wake up to the sound of beeping from a heart monitor but still keep my eyes shut. "Why isn't she awake yet? It's been two weeks." I heard a voice I recognise as Dilan's say. I've been in a coma for two weeks? " Don't take this the wrong way but it's better for you if she's still unconscious cause she'll kill you after she finds out what you did." I heard Jace say. At least my best friend was here for me. " But I did it to save her life. She has to understand my reasons. " He said in a pleading voice. What did he do that was so bad that I'll kill him if I find out.

I finally decide to open my eyes and sit up on the bed. Dilan walks over to help me up. "How do you feel?" He asked in such a gentle tone as if I was fragile and I nodded in response. "I'll go get the doctor." Jace said and walked out of the room as if he wanted to give us some privacy. "Thanks" I managed to say, my voice a bit hoarse since I hadn't used it in a while. I needed water. He immediately got up and poured me a glass of water . It was as if he read my mind.... unless... I touched my neck which felt sore and felt a tiny scar on it. I felt the anger build up in me and her noticed it. "Wait Diane, it's not what you think. I-" I slapped him before he could finish talking . His eyes changed to black for a split second and changed back to normal.

"I'm sorry Diane" he said. I scoffed, " You're sorry?" I yelled at him " Sorry that you marked me even though I clearly told you I didn't want a mate. Or sorry that you did it without my consent when I was unconscious?" I asked . I cut him before he could respond, "I hate you so much right now!!!" I screamed and saw how my words hurt him. I need to get out of here, away from him. I get out of my hospital bed and pull out the drips from my hand . I had a problem keeping my balance since I was still weak and he held me as I was about to fall. "Don't touch me!" I said in a harsh tone and just then Jace and a lady who I assume is the royal pack doctor run in.

"What's going on here?" Jace asks looking confused. "Thank God you're here Jace. Get me out of here, I wanna go home. Where's my mum? Where's Flynn? Why aren't they here? " I bombarded him with questions. " Calm down D. You need to rest. Please get back in bed , you're weak." He said. " No! Get me out of here! I don't wanna be around him." I said pointing at Dilan. "Your Majesty you need to stay here so I can examine you. Your wound is still healing we don't want it getting worse right?" She asked and I thought about Mia and how weak she was. I nodded in response. "Alright I'll stay but I want him out of here." I said, glaring at Dilan. "Your Highness please could you leave us alone?" She asked respectfully. " But -" she cut him off" Please, it's what's best for her at the moment." she said and he hesitated for a moment but then nodded in agreement and walked out of the room.

She walked me over to the bed and helped me sit down. "Now please lay down and relax and let the medicine do it's job" she said in a soft tone and I did as I was told. She injected some medicine into my drip and soon I was feeling drowsy. I allowed darkness to consume me. Again.

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