Chapter 24

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I walk through the meadow dressed in a long flowy emerald green dress that was quite elegant and I cant help but wonder why I'm here dressed so nicely. I continued to walk until I saw a figure sitting under a tree. I got closer and realised it was my dad. I was so happy because I hadn't seen him in a while since I moved to the castle. Wenused to spend a lot of time together, I was always a daddy's girl despite the fact that he was always busy with Alpha's duties. He always made time for me. We used to have a day set aside in a month that we spend together alone. But since I became Queen I can say I've seen him only once.

I stood and looked at how he had  a faraway look in his eyes as he stared into space and sat under the tree. He looked sad, I never liked seeing my dad sad, it broke my heart. I walked over and sat by him and placed my head on his shoulder and he flinched a little, startled. "Hey daddy." I greeted and he smiled in response but his smile didn't reach his eyes. "Hey pumpkin." He said and I smiled. "I miss you daddy." I said and hugged his torso and snuggled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. "Me more pumpkin." He said and then we sat in comfortable silence as he held me. I don't care if he's not my biological father, I still love him no matter what. He's always been there for me through all my hard times and happy times, supporting me.

"What's wrong pumpkin? Why are you crying?" He asked as he raised my chin with one hand and wiped away my tears with another. I hadn't even realise that I was crying. "I... It's just.... I've always had you there to guide me in everything I did and now I have to be making decisions on my own and it's very difficult. I have to go through a lot to guide and protect my people and yet who is going to guide me? I miss you so much daddy.What if I make a mistake and put the kingdom at risk? What if I'm not being a good leader? And- "I paused,sighed and looked down and he raised my chin again and smiled at me.

"Honey, only a good leader worries if the decisions they're making are right. You are doing the best you can at leading this kingdom and you're doing a terrific job. I'm very proud to call you my daughter. You're a strong, kind, thoughtful and just leader and I don't want you to think otherwise. I'm sorry you have to take decisions on your own now but as an adult and a leader you should always trust your intuition and if you don't let your mate help you. After all that's what mates are for, their our other halves, our better halves.

You know when my dad was about to hand over the Alpha position to me, though I acted confident on the outside, making everyone trust that I would be a good leader, on the inside I was a nervous wreck. I was a little scared that I might let the pack down. But your mother was always there to assure me that it was alw don' ays alright to make mistakes. That mistakes make us stronger when we learn from them. So I want you to believe in yourself and in the goddess because she wouldn't have paired you with the king if she didn't think you  have the strength to handle the problems that come with the position. But no matter what you'll always  be my baby girl, my little pumpkin, my chocolate chip cookie theif." He said and hugged me a little tighter and I laughed. " I love you daddy. You'll always be here for me right? " I asked and looked up at him and he smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "Even if I'm not here in person I'll always be here in your heart. And I'll be watching over you beside the goddess. Telk your mother I'll always love her and your brother too." He said and kissed my cheek.

I was confused as to why my dad was teling me this but before ai could question him everything became twisted and dark and creepy looking. I panicked as I heard someone scream in agony. The whole place was dark and the only place that seemed to have a dim light was at the end of the creepy hall. I also realised I was now dressed in a black silk gown that touched the ground. It made me look evil and also like I was mourning someone. Then again I heard the mascular cry of agony, anger and extreem pain.

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