Chapter 22

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"Brother what's wrong?" Andromeda asked for the second time. "Nothing." I said and gave her a look telling her not to push it and she just continued going through her spell book as though she was reading a notebook. Though black witches didn't mostly need a spell book to cast most spells because it's their inner anger that fuels their power and makes sure that in their subconcious they have spells at hand, my sister likes to toy with other spells. Black witches can go to the extent of calling to the darkness,that is,  they can call unto the underworld and allow their bodies and use them in exchange of something. I made Andromeda promise me to not toy with such dark magic. I watched from the couch how she used an omega she captured as a test subject to practice her magic.

There was a knock on the door and a warrior came in and bowed his head to us before entering. He had a very intoxicating scent lingering on him and for some reason  it made my wolf very angry that he smelled like that. Would you quit that Rusco! I said to my wolf.He smells like mate!! What he said had me frozen shocked for a second there. A-Are you sure? I asked and he rolled his eyes in a manly manner. Yes you idiot. He said and I growled internally at him for calling me an idiot.  I turned to the warrior cause Andromeda was too busy with her test subject to even bother with what he wants to relay to us. He seamed uncomfortable being here because of what she was doing so he was looking at the ground.

"What the hell do you want?!" I snapped at him and he flinched a bit, shocked that I acknowledged his presence. "I-I've brought the witch." He said and I was a bit confused at what he was talking about but it seems Andromeda knew what he meant cause her attention switched to him and she smiled. "Good job. Where has she been held?" She asked casually."In the penitentiary your grace." He answered. She nodded and dismissed him and her attention went back to her book.

"What witch was he talking about?" I asked." Jerome said we need more allies to be able to take down those wolves so I got us some help. Why don't you go wake her up. I'll join you in a second. "She said and I glared at her for commanding me even though I wanted to go see my mate. "Ow come on. Pretty please with ice cream and sprinkles on top." She said, sometimes she can be so childish. I rolled my eyes at her before i grunted and got up she squealed."You owe me." I told her and walked out of the living room and into the corridor leading towards the penitentiary.

As i neared the cell on the the smell of vanilla and orchids hit my nose,urging me to move foward. I walked to the cell and used my set of keys to open it . On the ground, held by chains on her ankles and wrist, lying in a fetal position lay the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on. She was my definition of perfection and she was my other half, my little mate. Snap out of it moron!! You never talk like this, being all all mushy about a girl. I scolded myself. My wol chuckled You've not even spoken to her and you're already whipped. He taunted and I rolled my eyes internally at him. That's quite rich coming from you, don't you think? I taunted back and he scowled at me. Shut up and wake her up already. He snapped and I chuckled, Antsy much? I teased and he playfully growled at me.

I walked over to a tiny sink in the corner of the cell and half-filled the bucket with water. I walked over to my little mate and splashed the water over her, causing her to shoot up from her sleeping position and gasp for air as she frantically looked around the room probably lost in thought and hadnt even realised I was standing by the wall." Good morning sunshine☀" I called to her , smirking. Idiot. Rusco muttered at the back of my mind. When her eyes connected with mine my breath almost hitched in my throat. The keyword: Almost. She had the most captivating eyes in the nicest shade of blue, ocean blue.

And I must admit that she had a gorgeous body and the way her wet clothes clung to her body and outlined her curves was quite a turn on for me. I walked over to her and run the tip of my fingers lightly over her neck and I could feel her shudder beneath my touch which made me smirk at the effect I had on her. She managed to push me away from her. "What do you want with me you imbecile?!" She yelled at me. Ooh, a fiesty one, she's definitely my mate.I just chuckled and moved my lips to her ear, slightly brushing it with the tip of my nose. "I want to bang you till you scream my name sunshine. You're one sexy lady." I whispered into her ear and licked it and she moved away from me though I could sense my words had quite an effect on her. I heard her murmur pervert under her breath and I chuckled again. "Sorry to burst your little perverted bubble asshole but what I meant by that question was why the hell have you kidnapped me?" She asked and I moved back to my position leaning against the wall.

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