Chapter 19

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It has been two weeks since my mate has been in a coma state. I heard the pack doctor telling my sister that if she doesn't wake up soon then she might lose the baby. But I keep wondering why she didn't tell me that she was pregnant. That she was expecting my child. It hurt me that others knew before I could find out and even with that she hasn't told me herself. She's been slipping in and out of conciousness these few days and all I want is for her to wake up. I need her. I want her. I miss her.  The doctor said she was injected with a mix of wolfsbane, silver and a very strong neurotoxic that is making her see halucinations in her coma and is triggering anxiety attacks. The attacks might cause her to lose the baby.

Seeing Diane lie on the hospital bed looking so pale caused me more pain than I ever thought it would. It was breaking me much more than anything ever could and it was there and then that I really loved her . I love her so much, yet I'm the one who is always the cause of her pain. I've hurt her so much in the time that she has been her. She being my mate unlocked her true self and that alone had its effects on her. She found out that she had no true family in the world although she considered the ones who raised her her family, deep down she feels she's alone and I am the only family she has left and I treated her horribly. I really regret what I said to her and now I'm the reason why she and possibly my child, that is if she confirms my suspicion, might die.  It's really scaring the shit out me and I'm also very anxious to find out if I might become a dad.

Whimpering got me out of my train of thoughts and I turned to see Diane sweating and whimpering in her sleep and then she started muttering something under her breath and I moved closer to her slowly so I didn't startle her awake. "P-please no,no, not him.... Please." She was whipering and crying and I hated seeing her like that. I sat down by her bed and held her hand and she immediately relaxed as our hands came into contact. I sighed in relief that she didn't wake up to push me away. I relaxed in my seat and started stroking her hair and she unconciously leaned into my palm, I smiled.  I Shifted her in the bed a little and climbed in and spooned close to me and continued brushing my fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry cherry, I really am. I didn't know  what came over me. I didn't mean to vent my anger out on you, I just... I'm just exhausted and frustrated and I needed a break from all the work. If you can hear me, please wake up love, please come back to me. I promise to take Care of you, to love you and cherish you. I do love you Diane. I love you with all my heart. I love the way you bite your lower lip when you're deep in thought, how you get this twinkle in your eye when you see chocolate🍫, the way your laughter sounds like music in my ears and how your smile brightens the entire room when you walk in." I paused and chuckled. "I know that all I said might have sounded cheesy but it's the truth. And the most important thing that I love about you is that you're selfless. You put the needs of those you love before yours and I admire you for that." I whispered and sighed." I know that I said you were selfish but believe me when I say that I didn't mean all that I said to you that night. I'm so sorry cherry ." I said before I started to fall into a dreamless slumber.


I've been locked in this darkness for the past two weeks, that is according to what I've been hearing those around me discuss. I've heard that if I don't wake up soon I might lose my baby and I'm scared, I can't lose my baby, he's my life, my world. Yeah I said he. I heard Ezekiel telling Denise that he had performed sonograms on me and confirmed the gender of my baby and he's a boy. It made me the happiest person in the world, I am carrying a little Dilan. I know someone would say that I'm supposed to be angry at him because he is the reason why I ran into the woods, hence the rogues almost killing Blaire and I.

Cass, Denise,Blaire and their mates have been here to visit me a few times and Blaire keeps apologising and blaming herself for what happened and I really want to wake up and tell her that it's not. To top the fact that I'm in a coma I've been having halucinations. I see myself giving birth and then after birth my baby dies. I get anxiety attacks after that. I'm really scared. Now I'm in a pitch black place with nothing and it's lonely.

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