Chapter : 7

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Murty Mansion

Ishita was working in kitchen, when she heard knock on door.

She opened the door and see Mukti, Aliya, Navya, dhruv, Cabir and Manik standing there. She welcomed all of them. All of them hugged her.

Manik come forward and hugged her.

"How are you ishi maa?"manik said kissing her cheeks.

"I am fine. How are you beta?" She said kissing his forehead.

"I am also fine" manik said smiling.

"You all sit here, I will call nandini down" she said to all of them. They all get settled in the drawing room.

"Nandini beta come down, your friends are here" ishita spoke loudly so that nandini can listen.

" Coming maa" Nandini shouted from her room.

Nandini come jumping and runningly down the stairs seeing this manik rolled his eyes and murmured "disaster queen".

"Did you said anything Bhai" Mukti asked seeing him murmurng.

"No nothing" manik denied.

"How many times I had told you to walk slowly Nandini" Ishita scolded Nandini. Nandini kissed her cheeks in return making her smile.

Servant came and served them some breakfast.

"Hii guys" Nandini said while running down the stairs.

They all greeted her and then she also settled with them and they started to talk.

After some time, she said "guys come we will go in our room and then discuss."

They all goes towards her room and sat on couch and bed.

They all talked for sometime and decided that they will behave in front of abhi like they doesn't remember his birthday. And a day before his birthday dhruv will keep him busy and till then they will arrange everything.

After deciding all the things, they all come downstairs.

Ishita was waiting for them and told them to have dinner.

"Ishi ma, I will come some other time I have to go for now" manik said to Ishita.

"I am not hearing any of your excuse manik, just come and have dinner" Ishita ordered him strictly.

"But ishi ma I have to study" manik tried to made her understand.

"No manik! I said no means no just sit here and have dinner and about study give it some rest beta you should be taking care of your health also. Neyo told me how much you are missing meals now a days." Ishita said strictly in starting and ended up in soft tone.

He noded and everyone sat down to have dinner.

Next day

There is a meeting in school of teachers with monitors of class VI to XII. Manik, nandini, Aliya and Abhimanyu are also present there as manik and Abhimanyu are monitors of there class and same is for Nandini and Aliya.

"Good morning students" said Mr. Rastogi one of the teacher. Students greeted him back.

"So students as you all know every year our school arranges a election for head boy and head girl of a school. Last year it was manik and Alisha (monitor of class X) who were chosen as head boy and girl respectively. And only the students of class IX, X, XI and XII can take part in the elections. So you all have to suit name of students who are interested from your respective class." Said Mr. Rastogi.
All noded their head in yes at him.

"Every class can have at most 4 nominations" completed mr.sharma at last.

"Now you all can dismiss.  Submit the names by tomorrow". Said Mr. rastogi.

"Are you going to take part in election" While going towards the class Aliya asked nandini.

"Of course, I am very excited about the elections" answered Nandini excitedly.

In the classes all the monitors announced about this and with the he help of teachers four contenders were selection from each of the class.


"Aliya why are you not taking part in this election" asked navya.

"I am not interested in all this. I can't handle these much things. Even this monitoring thing is do stressful for me." Aliya said

"Nandini who is choosen from your class" asked Cabir.

"Me, Vivian, Sameer and Shreya. And you know what I was looking forward for this since I was in VIIth standard."
Nandini answered and everyone smiled.

Next day all monitors submitted the names.

After two days voting for the head boy and head girl started. All the teachers are also voting. Most of the teachers voted for manik and Nandini as they were there favourite and also good in studies.

After two hours, principal come to stage to announce the result.

"Good morning student, process of election is completed and now i am going to announce the result. Head boy of the the school is Manik Malhotra. As expected, he is going to retain his position this year also." principal announced.

"And about head girl, then it was very tough competition between the previous head girl i.e., Alisha and Nandini. The voting difference between them is very less. But the winner is Nandini Murty. Congratulations Nandini you are choosen as new head girl of the school. " Said principal

Nandini gets very happy, she hugged all her friends. At last she hugged manik also, who was surprised seeing her hugging him but not thinking much hugged her back.

On the other side, Alisha fumed in anger, knowing nandini had defeated her. And her anger reached another level watching nandini hugging manik. She always had crush on manik. This is the only reason she wanted to be a head girl. So that she can be near manik.


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