Chapter : 18

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School Auditorium

All the students and teachers have gathered in the auditorium for the important announcement.

"Good morning students, you all have been called here for an important announcement. As last week your exams completed, I have heard that some students were indulge in cheating, which is very disappointing to hear. We all come here to study, enjoy, but not to cheat. By cheating in exam, what will you get? Just few marks. For those few marks you are ready to betray your parents, your self esteem. We study for getting knowledge not for marks. I know marks is judging criteria for students but if you have knowledge you can achieve anything in life. Just keep trust on yourself rather than getting involve in such acts." Said principal of school, listening which some students bend there head down in shame.

"But there is one thing which is more wrong then cheating. I am going to show you all something." Saying this principal sir got aside and indicate Cabir something.

Cabir goes towards principal sir and takes out pendrive from his pocket. He sees towards principal sir for permission who in turn noded his head. Cabir then insert the pendrive into the laptop and starts the footage.

Video get started watching which Alisha and Naina's face went pale because it is the video of conversation between them while ago.

Listening there convo all the students were seeing them with full of disgust. Nandini was shocked to hear the conversation because she didn't not thought that Naina will be involved too.

Mukti, Aliya and Navya were shocked too because they didn't thought that Manik will come in Alisha's talk.

While boys were just smirking seeing this because it was there plan which got successful.

"Alisha and Naina, what you people have done is really shameful for me because you both are my students and I really didn't expected this. And Mrs Oberoi having trust on your student is good thing but you should also know who deserves that trust." Said principal sir taking Mike in his hands.

"And Cabir I am really thankful for you that you bring real culprit out. Alisha and Naina you both are restricted from school for a month. I wanted to expel you both but I am just being considerate about your future. And all the staff and students please don't bring your personal grudges in between someone's future. It can destroy someone's life." Completed principal sir and got down.

Alisha and Naina have tears in there eyes. They said sorry but principal sir said, "You should have think about the consequences before doing something like this. If Mr Agarwal wouldn't had trusted her, her exam would have been cancelled without any of her fault.".

Nandini  goes towards principal's office to thank him.


"Cabir Bhai when did you made that video. It was really amazing." Mukti said.

"Actually we have planned this just an hour ago. " Abhi said.

"But how ?" Aliya asked.

Manik started telling them his conversation with Alisha.


After his conversation with Alisha, manik goes to cabir, abhi and Dhruv.
He told them about the conversation.

"Bhai how can you just trust that crocodile." Cabir said angrily after listening manik.

"When did I said that I believed her Cabir" manik asked rolling his eyes.

"You just said that bhai." Cabir said

"That's what I said to Alisha so that she will think that I trusted her. Now just shut up and listen." Manik said making Cabir silent.

" I think there is someone involved with Alisha. " Manik started saying but abhi cut him in between.

"But how can you say this? " Abhi asked.

"Because on the exam day, Alisha was already present in classroom before we all. So how can she put chits in Nandini's pocket. So there must be someone who had done this." Manik said and all agreed listening his logic.

"But manik how will we catch them?" Dhruv asked.

"If there are two persons involved in the planning, then they will surely discuss it. So we have to caught them while talking. " Manik said.

"But Bhai, we need proof because she surely will not accept it even after getting caught." Cabir said.

All started thinking because Cabir's point was absolutely correct.

"Cabir you are in photography society. Right? " Abhi asked thinking something on which Cabir said "yes".

"You can use your camera. You just follow them for sometime if you will get anything suspicious, just start shooting at the moment." Abhi said.

"But abhi if we didn't get anything. then?" Cabir asked.

"We can plan something else then. But for now get started with this." Manik said.

All noded and Cabir follows Alisha and when he saw her alone in the classroom with Naina he started recording.

Flashback end

"Wow that was awesome plan." Said Aliya after listening everything.

"We thought it will take time. But Alisha made our plan easy. I was thinking that it will atleast take 2,3 days." Cabir said.

"She was such a looser. She thought that Manik will trust her. And that Naina, I never liked her. " Mukti said.

"You are right muku. She was always jealous of nandu." Navya said.

"Where is Nandu." Asked Aliya.

"She had gone to principal sir's office." Said Mukti.

"Mukti and cabir I have an extra class today, so will be little late. You guys go home taking Nandini after school get over. And yes please tell mom to send car and driver." Said manik.

" Okay bhai. " Said Mukti and cabir together.

They all talked for sometime and went to there respective classes after break get over.

After school all went to there homes.

Nandini was happy as well as sad, happy because now no one can call her cheater. But sad because she thought that Manik hates her.

When all the friends were discussing Nandini was not there. They forgot to tell her afterwards. And Nandini too didn't asked because she is just lost in her thoughts.


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