Chapter : 23

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Nandini exits the ground and met all her friends there waiting for her and Manik.

"What happened Nandu? You got selected, right? " Mukti asked watching her coming.

"Actually selection process is not completed yet. There were total three rounds, out of which two got completed and tomorrow there will be final round. As I have cleared 2 rounds, I am going to have final round tomorrow." Said Nandini.

"Leave mine, tell about your's. Did you got selected? " Asked Nandini.

"What do you think?" Mukti asked in response.

"You are looking happy, you must have got selected." Said Nandini.

Mukti noded her head in yes and Nandini hugged her congratulating. Manik also came by then.

"Muku, how was your trials? Did you got selected?" Asked Manik.

"Bhai it was good and I got selected. We will start practice from day after Tomorrow." Informed Mukti.

"That's good." Said Manik and they all talked for sometime before leaving for home.

They bid bye to each other and moved to there respective homes.

Malhotra Mansion

Nandini was standing in the indoor basketball court practicing. She is practicing here from half an hour. Manik was going from there when he sees someone in basketball court. He goes inside and saw Nandini playing. He went towards her and stand behind her.

"What's up?" Said Manik in her ears from behind, she got scared listening suddenly making Manik chuckle.

"Why are you scaring me? Can't you come properly? I got scared." Asked Nandini angrily.

"Calm down Ms. angry bird. You got scared for every little things, Not anything new for you" said Manik making her more angry.

"Manik just shut up ok and let me concentrate on my game." Said Nandini.

"Ok, then play with me. Let's see how good you can play? " Said Manik.

"Are you trying to challenge me?" Asked Nandini.

"Think whatever suits you or have you already got scared?" Asked Manik.

"Scared and me, In your dreams. Bring it on Malhotra." Said Nandini accepting the challenge.

They both started to play, Manik was obviously defeating her as he is champion of basketball but she is also playing good. She is trying to give her best. Like this they played for an hour without break. At the end they both got tired and decided to end the game because Manik had to go for his study and Nandini decided to take some rest.

Next day
Basketball court

All the 16 students and Manik got assembled in the basketball court for the final round selection.

"Hey guys, ready for the last round?" Asked Manik and all answered yes.

"Ok, So in this round you all will have to play one match with me individually like one on one. You all will come one by one and will have to play a match with me. After having a match with everyone I will announce the result." Said Manik making them nervous.

"You guys don't have to be nervous. I am not going to eat you up and it is not like I am the best. Maybe someone from you will be better than me." Said Manik trying to make them relax.

"And one more thing, like yesterday today also result will not depend on who had made the more goal, it will be based on your concentration, reaction, calmness like factors and obviously how good you play. Best of luck, let's get started." Completed Manik.

Then all students started coming one by one. They were nervous as well as excited because it is the last round of selection and they know that most of them are going to get selected.

Manik while playing with them was giving them full chance to show there talent. He is most of the time observing how they react to various situations, how much concentrated they are and if they are following rules because if you will break rules then there is no use of playing good or bad, as at the end you will be out of the game for breaking the rules.

Ten students were done with there test and now it was Nandini's turn. She came in the center of ground in front of Manik. She was little nervous but confident enough to compete. Soon game get started and Nandini took the ball first and started dribbling it, Manik was trying to take the ball but she was not giving him chance and like this made her first goal. Like this they continued the game sometime Manik and sometime Nandini winning. This was little less tough for Nandini as she she had already played with him yesterday. Still it was not that easy for her but she tried and gave competition to Manik. Like this Nandini was also done.

It continued for some more time as 5 students were left. Soon match got completed.

"Guys now that match is completed. I will announce the final list of students who were going to play in school's basketball team. " Said Manik coming in the center of ground while all other stands in front of him.

"You all were really good, but we can accommodate only 10 students. If it were in my hand I would have choosed you all, but I can't. So the names are following : Anshul, Rishabh, Sneha, Abhishek, Nandini, Aniket, Ritika, Akansha, Karan and Sameer." Announced Manik.

Listening her name Nandini got happy and big smile played on her lips. Manik saw her getting happy and the smile reflected on his face also.

While the 6 students who were rejected got sad.

"Riya, Sonal, Harshit, Vaibhav and Prateek you all were also good but little less concentrated. You guys can try next year and I am sure you all will get selected next time just improve yourself." Said Manik they noded and leave the ground.

"So you guys are selected for basketball team. We will start practicing from tomorrow itself. Be on time. Will meet tomorrow." Said Manik and all started to leave for there class except Nandini.

"Thank you Manik." Said Nandini hugging him after everyone left.

" For what? " Asked Manik confusedly.

"Because I had already played with you yesterday and it really helped me today. Otherwise it would be really difficult for me." Said Nandini.

"You were going to be selected anyway because you were good yesterday also." Said Manik.

"Still thank you. Now I am going, science lecture is going to get started in 5 Minutes. Bye." Said Nandini leaving.


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