chapter 35

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(I don't really know how to describe a collapsed building, but this is what I have in my mind when I think about it. Hope this helps/clears things up)

Dust had covered the area, floating around in a cloud of grey

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Dust had covered the area, floating around in a cloud of grey. It was suffocating and dark.

"Hyung, Jisung!" Jaehyun's voice called out from a distance. He was standing on a tall pile of rubble.
"All the boys made it out safe. Come this way I'll help you out." Taeyong and Jisung walked towards Jaeyung where it seemed the easiest to get out. It was difficult to hold the girls while navigating around all the broken rocks and rods. Jisung heaved was he pulled Ah ro up higher, his arms burning, and his legs close to giving out.

The other side of the building was starting to shake.

"Hurry!" Taeyong called over his shoulder, his eyes wavering between where Jaehyun was standing and the shaking building.

Ah ro started to move, making it harder for Jisung to hold her. Her eyes opened fast as the images and disbelief of what happened before she was knocked out came back to her. Jisung looked down at her in relief from see that she was awake despite all the bruises and bleeding.

The boy too distracted by looking at his soulmate fell over a few bricks sending himself crashing down with Ah ro in his arms. Ah ro's head fell into the jagged bricks underneath her and Jisung's body crushed her from above.

Jisung frantically moved, but froze at the sight of blood pooling underneath the girl's head. 

"Jisung go clear the way with Jisung and then we can come back and get her. Hurry." Taeyong knew that Jisung didn't want to leave Ah ro, but right now he knew that they needed to make hard decisions in order for them to make it out alive.

"Jisung go!" Jisung stared down at Ah ro how he had helped sit up, she clutched her bleeding head, but still managed to smile up at him.

"I'm okay, now go." She urged the boy forward, so Jisung ran helping Jaehyun clear the way. Taeyong climbed up with Hana and handed her over to Doyoung who was standing on the other side.

Thunder boomed from above sending vibrations all over. Jisung's head snapped to where Ah ro was just as the other half of the building began to crumble.

It all happened so fast. It all came sliding down like an avalanche. His eyes caught the sight of Ah ro's frightened eyes just as he was getting dragged away. Fighting against his hyungs, but he was outnumbered and weak.

Jisung screamed as the building finally fell over right where Ah ro was probably located. Little parts continued to fall and slide over. Filling the air with thick dust once again, but then what was all that was left. The boys stood in silence, the rain ceasing as a rainbow appeared over the fallen building.

Silence. Numb.

The boy coughed as the dust filled his lungs, but he couldn't feel anything.

No one knew what to do, not even Taeyong.

Was Jisung's soulmate dead?


I sowwy. I felt like this chapter was rushed and stupid, but I really didn't know how else to put my thoughts into words. Please bear with me.

Anywayyy what will you do if Ah ro's really dead?

What will happen to Jisung?

And where is Minghao?

LY (although u probably hate me rn)

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