Chapter 2: Break The News

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Izuku Midoriya was in his English class, he had asked to use the restroom. As he was walking out, the attack had happened.
"This is Police Force. What do you need to report?"
"This is U.A. Teacher Shota Aizawa. I have a criminal guilty of attempted murder, may even be murder. Please send emergency medical care as well."
"Help is on the way."
"All Might, would you report this to the teachers and Nezu?" Asked Aizawa. This was more of a command, which All Might obliged to act on immediately. Aizawa had one end of his scarf binding the criminal, and the other applying pressure to Midoriya's injuries, with the objective of preventing more major blood loss. Aizawa was carrying the young hero to Recovery Girl for immediate attention, the ambulance could not be waited on.
"Dear, dear! What in the world happened?!" Exclaimed a shocked Recovery Girl as the three arrived. (The villain being dragged behind by the scarf.) "No time. He needs immediate attention."
"Is this Inko Midoriya?"
"It is. Why?"
"This is Principal Nezu of U.A. Hero Academy. I have awful news."
"W-what is it..?"
"Your son... Izuku Midoriya..."
"What is it?!"
"Izuku Midoriya is in critical condition. He has been hospitalized and is in good hands. He was attacked by the notorious villain Vampiric Bite."
"Hosu General. I do hope he will recover."
(Thank you for continuing to read my crappy story writing skills.)
What will happen to Deku? Will he live...? Or.. will he die..?
I will try to publish as soon as possible.
Hope you are well, and have a great day,

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