Chapter 14: Already Dead

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Bakugo had returned from Recovery Girl in a worse mood than usual. He got back to the dorms only to see a black fuzzy creature flying around the couch. "Target practice." Bakugo landed a quick explosion at the creature, a bat. The bat hit the wall, and slid to the floor. But no blood, which puzzled Bakugo. "Ow!" Said a familiar voice. Bakugo jumped. "THE FUC- DEKU?! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?" "Funny story..." "Spill. Now. It better be fuc-ing good." "I just found out that vampires can turn into bats." "Hold up- That was YOU?!" "Yes..?" "HOW ARE YOU NOT FUC-ING DEAD?!" "Well..." He hesitated. "I... don't know, Kacchan." "You do know, damn nerd, don't lie." "...I... really don't think it's something you want to hear." "NOW I WANT TO HEAR IT MORE IDIOT!" "F-fine. I'm a vampire now, you know that." "GO ON..." In a dark, emotionless whisper, his eyes closed, head hanging to the side, Deku said, "I am already dead, Kacchan. I can't die twice." "Deku..." Deku opened his eyes, which were glowing bright red. "Deku!" Then an earthquake shook the ground. "The hell-" The force shattered a window, bathing the two in sunlight. Deku let out a loud, inhuman screech as the bright rays fell on him. "What the fuc-... Deku, how do you even make- Deku...?" Deku had gone. "DEKU GET YOUR AS- BACK OUT HERE IM NOT DONE WITH YOU!" He glanced around and saw Deku transform from bat to human in an unlit corner. "I... can't be in the sun. Sorry Kacchan." "WELL WHY NOT- WAIT DON'T ANSWER THAT! I KNOW WHY!" Midnight's voice came from the door behind them, "Oh, the window broke in the quake, you boys ok? Anyone else in here?" To which Deku replies, "I don't think anyone else is in the dorms-" The ground did another lurch, sending Deku onto the ground and knocking a door to another's dorm on top of him. "Midoriya!" "I'm fine!" The door turned out to be Kirishima's, who helped get the door off Midoriya. Once the door was off, his arm, which he reflexively put up to stop the door, was hanging at an odd angle. Kirishima helped Midoriya stand up, and pointed out his arm, where you could see the broken edge of a bone, but it wasn't bloody. Deku just looked at it, frowned, and then before the onlookers eyes, watched the bone sink back into position, and just put his arm at its proper angle and moved it a few times, as good as new. Everyone was speechless. Deku smirked. "Yes, that just happened. I'm not limited to simple immortality, you know." It was scary, nonetheless. Kirishima broke the silence. "Wait- immortality?! What?!" "Vampire." "Oh, yeah. I feel dumb now." Another quake. Another window broke,this time showering everyone with broken glass and, once again, sunlight. Another screech. "Wait he can make that sound?!" The entire room was full of sunlight and broken glass. Deku couldn't escape it. A few minutes of almost complete exposure later, while the appropriate people were arriving, his knees buckled. "Midoriya!" Kirishima rushed over. Deku began to smoke. "What the..." Then a dark figure covered him. Azumi had come from another room, and was using her quirk, which controls shadows. "The table, Midoriya!" To the table he went. He stopped smoking after he was clear from the rays. The dorms eventually had to be cleared out so the damages could be fixed. The students basically just had to stay at their houses until then. Midoriya went home once the sun had completely set for obvious reasons. Inko had been notified, and had dinner ready. The broccoli had not figured out the fact that consuming human food would negatively impact his thirst and cause him to vomit, stuffed himself. And experienced the effects. "Izuku, you threw up earlier, are you alright?" "Mom, I'm fine! I must've gagged myself or something!" "Alright." He looked up vampires instead of watching the All Might video. So that's why I threw up earlier... I'm not supposed to eat human food... At least Mom won't have to cook two meals while I'm here. Vampiric form...? It can increase vampiric ability and grant strengths.. I wonder how it works..
Edit: forgotten word
Crap this be long
I'm sorry.

[LEGACY] Vampire Deku AU: A New "Life"Where stories live. Discover now