Chapter 15: Vampiric Thirst

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Author Note: Deku wears a special training uniform to keep out of the sun. Here is a comparison side by side of the two uniforms.

 Here is a comparison side by side of the two uniforms

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Just imagine it's the actual anime uniform.
Deku and Todoroki were sparring with each other a few days after the earthquake. As Deku was dodging a fire blast, he miscalculated the physics and fell right in it. Todoroki immediately deactivated his quirk. "Midoriya!" Deku's clothes were singed but other than that, he was fine. "Don't worry, Todoroki, it was my bad. I'm fine!" "If you're sur- MIDORIYA!" Deku's eyes were not only bright red, but also had slit pupils. Deku winced, said a few words in place of swearing, and looked around his body as though checking something. Half a glove had burned away, leaving the skin underneath exposed. Crap. Why does the no sun thing even exist? Deku thought. I can't let it stop me though, I'm not completely exposed, I can continue. "Sorry, I'll be fine! Let's continue." They continued the sparring, and Todoroki nearly won, getting Deku frozen in ice, but Deku had a trick up his sleeve. He turned into a bat, and got Todoroki out of bounds by being a hard target to hit, and won.
"Contrary to belief, Monoma, I am smart and in Ravenclaw. Leave me alone, I don't have the time to deal with your bull crap." "Come on, Bakubro!" "Yaoyorozu, wanna study together sometime this weekend?" Deku was walking in the hallway half-listening to passing conversations. "Fine, shi-ty hair, if you'll shut up." "Of course Kaminari!" Monoma's weird laugh. "Midoriya." Deku jumped.
Deku walked into the opened restroom door to wash something sticky he had gotten on his hands. Bakugo was also at a sink, washing his hands. The explosive teen did not notice Deku, even though he was in full view of the mirror in front of the two. "The fuc-! Where did- Deku!!" "Kacchan! Uh.. Hi..." "How did you-" "I walked up to the sink?" "I would have seen you in the mirror, you damn nerd. Oh, FUC- IT NEVER MIND!" Bakugo stormed out of the restroom. Deku was confused then looked in the mirror. The scene behind him was there, but no green-haired teen. Vampires don't have reflections. Bakugo didn't see me in the mirror. This will be so much fun trying to explain if he brings this up later. Deku finished at the sink and towards the dorm. Todoroki was eating some cold soba, but that wasn't what reached Deku's nose. Something else, it smelled sweet, tasty. "What's that smell...?" Deku thought aloud. "Oh, Midoriya. I think it might be the soba I'm eating." "No, I smell something... else." Todoroki shrugged, and picked up a homework sheet. He dropped it, suddenly, and put a finger to his mouth. He had gotten a paper cut, and his finger was bleeding. The smell got stronger, sweeter. "Oh, a paper cut. What luck- Midoriya..?" A look of strange observation was on Deku's face. He seemed to be observing the cut finger, which was still bleeding a bit. Todoroki looked from finger to Deku and then realized. "Midoriya, snap out of it." Todoroki stated simply while reaching for a napkin. Deku's eyes turned red.
Deku brought his own wrist up to his mouth and hesitated, bracing himself. Todoroki instinctively ran up and grabbed it. "Todoroki... Please... Let go..." "Midoriya, what are you doing?!" "I..." Deku started talking in a dark whisper. "I still have some left. I need it... It's bitter, it's cold, it just tastes dead, but it's better than nothing and losing control and hurting someone." "What..? Midoriya... What do you mean..?" "I don't want to hurt you, Todoroki... I don't want to lose control and hurt you... Or anyone again..."
Azumi then walked in. "Uhhh..." The two boys did not notice. "Todoroki... Please...." "I'm not going to let you hurt yourself." "It doesn't hurt... The mark closes when I'm done.." "Still. No." "Ok, guys what the fuc- is going on here? Sorry to kill the mood but..." "Let go..." "No." Deku tried to push Todoroki away, but failed. Midoriya tried to go for his other wrist, which Todoroki grabbed as well. "You're not going to hurt yourself." "But I-" "Midoriya. I'll let go if you promise not to hurt yourself." "But I might hurt you..." "If you do, I won't hold it against you. I know you wouldn't be in your right mind." "Okay.. I promise.." Todoroki let go of Deku's arms.
Deku's eyes went from bright red to the color of blood. He was no longer in control of his thirst. Azumi, still standing there, assumed control of her shadow and sent it in between Todoroki and Deku. Todoroki bolted, to buy some time. He remembered a raw, bloody piece of meat in the fridge, hopefully, it was still there. He got over to it quickly and found the meat, still in packaging. He unwrapped it and yeeted it at Deku, the latter getting hit in the face with a raw piece of meat. Deku observed the steak in his hands, and sank his fangs into it. His eyes soon returned to the color green.

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