Chapter 10: Flight or Bite

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Later that night, the students were awoken by Present Mic. "Wake up! Rise and shine, young heroes!" Mic was then greeted by a tired, angry Katsuki Bakugo. "WHAT THE HELL?! IT'S 11 O'CLOCK!" Everyone came out of their dorms, rubbing sleep out of their eyes, yawning, and/or stretching, wondering what Mic could possibly want. "So, little listeners, Eraserhead is going to have you patrol the woods to find and capture villains that may be lurking around." This seemed absurd to the class, but they went along. They put on their hero costumes and got on the bus.
My characters' costumes:

Hero Name: Shadow Gleam
Azumi is wearing makeup over her eye scar.

Hero Name: Shadow GleamAzumi is wearing makeup over her eye scar

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"Hero" Name: Twilight Sword

~At the arrival at the forest, the students were split into groups of three

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At the arrival at the forest, the students were split into groups of three. The one the point of view will focus on is the group consisting of Deku, Bakugo, and Azumi.
The young heroes walked into a clearing where the full moon bathed them in silvery light. Deku abruptly stopped, causing Bakugo to run into him. "OI, WATCH IT, NERD!" Deku did not move. "MOVE, DAMMIT!" Again, no response from Deku. "DEKU! WHAT THE FUC- ARE YOU DOING?!" Bakugo walked in front of Deku and got in his face. "ANSWER ME, NERD!" Deku's eyes flashed bright red. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS, DEKU?!" "Bakugo, he can't hear you!" Interjected Azumi. "I would get out of his face if I were you!" Bakugo backed away a step. A look of dawning realization crawled across Azumi's face. "The full moon.. Vampires.." "What are you on about?!" "Shi-! His thirst! Vampires can lose control of themselves during full moons depending on their thirst!" "Your point?!" "We need to get the heck outta here, and now, unless you wanna have severe anemia." Bakugo didn't want anemia, so he ran. However, Deku was close behind. He had snapped out of the moon's trance, and had no control over his vampiric side. He had snapped a twig. Azumi, the smart one, was focused on her surroundings as well as running. She decided to make a quick decision, and stopped, so Bakugo could get away while their bloodthirsty friend was occupied with her. She turned to face the vampire, and quickly rolled up a sleeve and removed a section of the bandaging around her wrist, and held out the bare skin above the graft. The last thing she remembered was fangs sinking into her flesh, as she willingly allowed Deku to drink her blood.
Bakugo realized he was alone. He thought that Azumi had stopped for a quick breath and would come out from the trees any minute. Annoyed at his slow partner, he waited for her to catch up. She didn't. Bakugo waited a solid 10 minutes before he decided to find her himself, only to see Deku biting Azumi's wrist, a willing expression on the latter's face. "The fuc-..." The expression on Azumi's face went from willing to pained to blank. Her body went slack, held up only by Deku. Deku's eyes went from glowing red to the bright green they were supposed to be. Those green eyes reflected absolute horror and realization. "Did.. I..?" Just then, another group, Momo, Uraraka, and Hagakure, walked by. "Deku, what happened here?" Asked Uravity. "What does it look like, Round Face?"

[LEGACY] Vampire Deku AU: A New "Life"Where stories live. Discover now