Chapter 7: New Student

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Fan Made
                     Character Introduction
Azumi Ruga

Nationality: Japanese-American Age: 16Occupation: Training Hero Student; Transfer from AmericaRelations: Cousin to another fan characterQuirk: Shadow Angel; Can control hers and other's shadows to aid in battle

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Nationality: Japanese-American
Age: 16
Occupation: Training Hero Student; Transfer from America
Relations: Cousin to another fan character
Quirk: Shadow Angel; Can control hers and other's shadows to aid in battle. Inherited mutant Angel quirk from family line. Allows flight, gives wings and halo, wings tuck away into regular clothes. (Oof her quirk be complicated. As is my head as I came up with it.)
It was 2:50 at night. Midoriya woke to voices outside his dorm room.
"Are you alright? You seem nauseous." Asked the voice of Midnight. A voice, female, Izuku did not recognize responded. "I'm fine, probably just jet lag." A conversation between the unknown student and Midnight carried on. At 3, Izuku decided to check this out. He saw a girl on the sofa, sitting with Midnight, and talking about the school. Midoriya had no idea how he could see so clearly in the late night darkness. The girl had short, choppy white hair, which faded into an ashy black, as though it was burned. There was a halo floating above her head, the halo appeared to be made of shadow. Izuku then let out a cough, which alerted the two women.
"Why, hello there, what has you up so late?" Asked the teacher. "I, uh, woke up to voices, and went to check it out. Sorry to bother you!" "No need to apologize. I was just helping our new transfer move in!" The girl then stood up and introduced herself. "My name is Azumi Ruga." She said this in perfectly fluent Japanese, although with an American accent. Deku, recognizing the fact Americans use their personal names before surnames when introducing themselves, knew her last name was Ruga. "Nice to meet you, Azumi." He also knew Americans preferred to be referenced by their first names. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. I-" He suddenly stood straight up, alert. "Anyone else hear that?" The women had not. They remained silent in case the sound the boy had supposedly heard happened again. "Sounds like a squeak. Very quiet, high pitched. It's familiar to me..." Azumi reported after she had heard the sound. It sounded like a pained animal cry. "A bat!" Izuku did not know how he recognized the animal cry of a bat. They soon located the poor creature, it had flown into a window earlier, and was lying near it, calling out. Midnight had put the animal to sleep, and had called Animal Control. The bat was rescued, and the 2 students went back to sleep.
Oof, I had NOTHING exciting, I'm so sorry.
Have a nice day,
Edit: Typo

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