Chapter 22: Legal Sides

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Author's Note: I definitely didn't completely forget that Mineta had died to Akira's quirk and just now remembered after reading my own story and that Grape was supposed to become a ghost. Yeah. Mineta's return was totally delayed intentionally.
Shoto had been thinking about how cute Deku was when he smiled. The thought tempted Shoto's rare genuine smile to appear. Suddenly, Mineta appeared out of thin air, right in the middle of IcyHot's pride flag. (It's a gay flag btw.) Todoroki wasn't startled, as he knew Mineta would be back someday, but, rather, simply sighed in annoyance as Mineta got himself out of the rainbow decoration, revealing a large hole in the fabric. "Why my room, Mineta?" Todoroki exasperatedly inquired. "I don't know why!" Mineta defended. "I was watching Kaminari being terrible at hiding his crush on Shinso, and the next thing I know, I'm inside your flag! By the way, sorry about that. I'll buy you another one!"
"I've gathered information about a certain pro hero." The young adult informed. "Share this information." Instructed the underground hero. "Very well. Enji Todoroki, more commonly known as Endeavor, is a selfish base turd, not only that, he was abusive to his wife and children." "What..?" "If you want proof, have Rei, Fuyumi, and Natsuo undergo X-rays, and exhume Shoto's body. Their bones will show signs of heavy abuse." "I'll see what I can do. I hope you're not lying to me." "Trust me... I would never lie about a matter such as domestic abuse." "I will inform my comrades. We will get to the bottom of this. Thank you.... I'm afraid I need your name, but you will remain anonymous to others if you wish." "Of course. Just don't tell the flaming pile of dog poop I supplied you with this information. My name.... is Virgil. Virgil Silverstorm."
The judge sipped his wine. He'd had a long day at work, deciding between the plaintiffs and defendants. People sued over the stupidest things! He wished he could judge something serious for once. His phone buzzed. The PSIA..? (Japanese equivalent of the FBI) Why am I being contacted of all people? "Judge Janus Hawke. How may I be of service?" Pause. "Ah, of course." He drained his glass as the person on the other end of the line talked on. "An exhumation order for Shoto Todoroki? Warrants to collect X-rays of the living Todorokis? Oh, why ever so?" Janus's eyes gleamed as he was briefed on the reason behind these requests. "But of course. I'll get on this right away." Janus chuckled darkly. Oh, Virgil... You raccoon. You suggested me, didn't you?
Deku had finished buying things for his friends. He felt like he was being watched. A tall woman was staring disapprovingly towards his direction. She then walked up to him and started yelling loudly. "Hey, look everyone! He walks like a *insert anti LGBTQ+ slur here.*!" She continued in this manner. Deku's eyes glowed with rage. The woman laughed. " Can't use your quirk, you freak." Deku chuckled. He reached into his pocket and pulled his license out. "Actually, I can." The woman took it and broke it in two. " Not anymore. Freaks shouldn't be heroes."
A police officer who was in the store came to investigate the problem. "What seems to be the problem here?" The woman spoke first. "This man started yelling at me for no reason! He's also pretending to be a hero and threatened me!" "Young man?" "This woman came up to me and insulted me, using homophobic slurs, even after I asked her to stop. She called me a freak, and defaced an official hero's license. You can look over the security footage and inspect my broken license. What I say is true."

~ Time skip brought to you by Sanders Sides~

Deku returned to the dorms and began to put his purchases away. Kirishima noticed Midoriya's irritated mood. "Hey, Midobro, what's up? You look annoyed." "Just had to deal with a Karen." "Oh, dude! What happened?" "She destroyed my quirk license. I have to go through the process of getting a new one." "That's terrible! So unmanly of that woman!" Azumi entered. She seemed to have been crying. Without a word to the boys, she rummaged through the bags that had not yet been emptied. "Azumi, what's wrong?" Kirishima inquired. "I- don't want to talk about it. Midoriya, did you get the burn ointment?" Kirishima and Deku were concerned, but they didn't press the matter. "I put it with the other medicines."
Hi! Sorry it took so long to publish! -JCS1314

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