Chapter 3: Injuries and Analysis

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Inko practically flew headed towards the hospital. She had arrived just in time to see her son being carried, covered in blood and unconscious. "Izuku Midoriya, male, 16. Impaled lung, small, deep punctures in back of neck, major blood loss, BP 120/80, heart rate 115 bpm." Described the doctor wheeling the patient in.
Fan Made
Character Description
Patton Baker

Nationality: AmericanAge: 31Occupation: Children and Teen Emergency Care/ Pediatric Hospital Employee; helping Hosu General while understaffed

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Nationality: American
Age: 31
Occupation: Children and Teen Emergency Care/ Pediatric Hospital Employee; helping Hosu General while understaffed.
Sexuality: Gay
Relationships: Boyfriend of Logan Berry
Quirk: Quick Heal; Can do quick and significant healing to himself or others. Cannot completely heal grave injury.
Logan Berry

Nationality: AmericanAge: 31Occupation: Surgeon/Hospital Employee; helping Hosu General while understaffed

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Nationality: American
Age: 31
Occupation: Surgeon/Hospital Employee; helping Hosu General while understaffed.
Sexuality: Gay
Relationships: Boyfriend of Patton Baker
Quirk: Injury Analysis; Can tell what a wound is, the best way to treat it, and if the wound will kill the inflicted person.
"Hook up 4 units of O negative, a heart monitor, tube him, and get him to the OR. We need to get that stake out of his chest." Ordered Patton calmly. "Update on stats?" "Heart rate dropping, now 110. BP has not changed." Replied another doctor. The doctors and Midoriya then disappeared around a corner. "May I help you?" Questioned a doctor with dark blue hair and black glasses to Inko. Inko, who had been focused about her son, jumped. "Huh?! Oh, I'm Izuku's mother.." "Ah, pleasure to meet you. My name is Logan. Logan Berry." "Inko Midoriya." A beeping sound then interrupted the forming conversation. "My pager. I need to go." Apologized the doctor. Logan soon arrived to help with Izuku's surgery, asking "What's the predicament?" "Berry, analyze the neck wound. It won't close." Commanded the lead surgeon. Logan did as the doctor said. "Sir, the wounds are similar to the autopsy reports of the victims of Vampiric Bite. I believe he is an actual vampire. He stakes his victims hearts so they don't come back as vampires. Midoriya dodged, and was not staked in the heart. This wound is a vampire bite. This wound cannot be treated and will not close. The patient will become a vampire." Reported Logan.
Man, three chapters in one day and most likely making more.

Edits: Added pictures, sexuality, ages, and relationships to character introductions

Hope you enjoyed and are well!

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