Chapter 19: Full Moon Fever

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Angry Pomeranian woke up in a sweat. As in more sweaty than usual. He checked his temperature, and surprise, he had a fever. It was also 5 A.M. He was exhausted. The fever got worse over the next few days. Aizawa called for another woods patrol. Bakugo wanted the chance to blow some steam, so he faked his fever being gone. Note, he was extremely feverish.
It was cloudy and cool. He was partnered with Deku and Uraraka.
Bakugo's fever became worse by the second. Is a villain at play here? Why can I feel it getting worse? He dismissed as his body trying to tell him to rest. Which he ignored. The moon reached its peak. Bakugo gave Deku a noticeable berth, as his past experiences with out of control Vampire Deku were not great. But it wasn't Deku that had something happen. Bakugo noticed his eyesight and smell getting significantly stronger. His hands began to shake.
"Kacchan..? You ok?" Bakugo didn't answer. He looked at his hands. "What the f*ck?" His nails were growing into sharp claws. The others were backing away as Angry Pomeranian turned into a not so slightly tame creature. Angry Pomeranian was now Angry Werewolf. "AWOOOOOO" Just like when Deku went vampire, Werewolf Bakugo was uncontrollable. "But how....? Werewolves don't exist. How did Bakugo....?" Bakugo jumped Deku, snapping and clawing. "Vampires and ghosts exist!" "Fair point." Deku started to nerd out while wrestling a werewolf. "If lycanthropy (being a werewolf) is transferred when the werewolf's saliva mixes with the bloodstream... A vampire doesn't have blood, a vampire can't become a werewolf but a werewolf can become a vampire. Like a square is a rectangle but a rectangle isn't a square. Deku could see a very definite 'stfu and focus on what you're doing before you lose a limb' on Kirby's face.
Kirby was able to float the ferocious canine off Broccoli.
"What happened to Problem Child and Bakugo. Their clothes are torn all over." Inquired Aizawa at the end of the exercise."Funny story, really." Replied Uraraka. They proceeded to tell him what had happened. "Honestly, I'm not surprised by this. Neither of you seem injured, just go back to the school."
Back at the school, they all went to sleep. But Todoroki was planning something. He would practice his ghostly new abilities. He knew he could pass through walls and float, but he remembered becoming temporarily solid the night prior. He wanted to be able to control this. Most classmates were not aware of Ghostoroki. (New nickname) He was also planning on scaring the heck out of the others during home room.
Deku woke up that Monday, got dressed, and walked to home room. Everyone was talking, about random things, but he wasn't listening. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Todoroki, who winked and smirked. No one else noticed Todoroki. Deku realized what Todoroki was going to do. He returned a 'do it, it'll be funny' grin. Todoroki phased through the door to the hallway, somehow unnoticed.
Aizawa walked in a few minutes later. Everyone grew quiet. Todoroki then phased through the closed door. "I apologize for being late, Sensei." Aizawa looked very shocked, as did the rest of the class, except Pomeranian, Broccoli, and 3D Printer, who were trying to hold in laughter. Todoroki floated to his seat, and floated above it in a seated position. Everyone was staring at him. "What, I'm late, no need to stare." Bakugo couldn't hold it in anymore. He started laughing, loudly. Everyone looked at him, either confused or trying not to follow in his manner. Deku glanced at Momo, and it was over for the two of them. They began to laugh as well. "If only you extras could see your faces!"
Uraraka was the next to speak. "Todoroki, is that really you, or some trick that's being pulled and Deku, Bakugo, and Yaoyorozu are in on?" "It's me. Don't worry, they just know something the rest of you don't." "Your funeral was a week ago! How are you here? You're supposed to be dead!" "I never said I wasn't, and last I checked, I am." "HE'S A GHOST, YOU DUMB EXTRAS!" "Thank you... Bakugo... I was getting there." "You were taking too long." "Fair enough. Well, I'm going to scare the crap out of my dad. See you."
Endeavor was still sulking about his plans being ruined. Shoto can't be the number one hero if he's dead. Fuyumi and Natsuo were actually sad, and still grieving. Rei, poor Rei. She was refusing to eat. Shoto decided to visit her first. He had warped to the mental hospital, and checked in as a visitor for her. He went to her room. He had conveniently became solid again. He realized this when he tried to go thorough the door. He knocked, instead. "Come in." He opened the door. "Shoto..?"
Edit: inconsistency

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