34| Leave Me Alone

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"Why are you looking into my past?" I asked while standing up

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"Why are you looking into my past?" I asked while standing up.

"Because we have to," Cyrus answered. 

When he told me what him and the other ranks did today, I was furious. I knew they would plan my trial, but trying to find out about the things that I kept secret was unacceptable. Not only that but my pack members' business was unacceptable too. "No, you don't. All you have to do is come up with my sentencing, which is death, and kill me!" I shouted.

He was taken aback by my words. I saw shock flash through his eyes before it was replaced by concern. "Why do you want to be killed?" 

Here we go again.

"It's the typical ending to a rogue and something that you have to accept being one."

"Well, what if you don't die?"

I didn't know the answer to that and I didn't want to know the answer to it. Everything that I've done, I've always assumed that I could end up being killed one day. There's no way they'll be able to prove me being innocent in any way. Too much blood on my hands and too much evidence. Even if I were to live, I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life in a cell. 

"Then you've made a mistake."

I went up in my room and hung out in there for the remainder of the afternoon. I didn't want to be bothered by anyone else, which was my original plan for the whole day. Plopping down on my bed, I stared at the ceiling for a while before my eyes became droopy and I fell asleep. 




Someone was lightly shaking me so I rolled over to stop them. It didn't as they continued to shake me and call my name. I did my best to ignore it and try to go back to sleep but the feeling of their hand rubbing my arm and I began to feel sparks. 

I instantly shot up, grabbed their wrist, and twisted the arm back. "Ow," they groaned. I focused my vision on who it was and my whole mood changed. I rolled my eyes and let go of Ryder's arm.

"What do you want?" I snarled. The bed dipped a little which caused me to move towards the other side. "I was just checking on you and seeing if you were hungry," he answered plainly. 

"Thanks for your concern," I said with sarcasm coating my tone. I heard him sigh and go silent. The room was becoming thick as the silence was beginning to bother me. He didn't say anything nor move. I looked over my shoulder only to see him looking out the windows. He looked calm but his eyes were holding something. 

I couldn't take it anymore. "What do you have to tell me?" I gave in, turning my body towards him. I saw a small smirk creep on to his face before he answered me. "I'm pretty sure Cyrus already told you but if he didn't, we talked about your trial today."

"I know," I mumbled. "I also know that I'm being sentenced to death." Ryder's eyes immediately came into contact with mine. I could tell he was upset or was hoping that I wouldn't know about it, but thanks to his cousin, I did.

He slid his hand down his face before gripping his jaw. "Ryder, it's fine. As a rogue, we expect this type of stuff to happen," I chuckled. "and yes I'm okay with it and no I don't want to talk about it."

I turned over and tried to burry my head in the pillow. "Well, then you should come and eat then. I hope you like take out," he hoped.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Chinese food," he replied. "Oh, and there are some people that would like to meet you."

I groaned as I got up and headed towards the bathroom. This had to be my favorite place in the house because it was quiet, no one could come in, and it was relaxing.

I heard Ryder leave my room which was my cue to go ahead and start up the bathtub. I haven't took a bubble bath in so long.

I filled the tub up with water and every soap that I could find. Quickly stripping off my clothes, I dove right into the tub and sank underneath the bubbles. I wanted to stay here instead of meeting whoever is downstairs.

Last time someone had a guest for me, I ended up being abused and running away.

"Relaxing huh?"

I screamed and practically jumped out of the tub. A lady with white blondish hair and violet eyes was sitting on the sink counter. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Athena, the pack's witch," she smiled.

I've heard of witches but I thought they were hard to find. Let alone, be in a pack.

"Some of us choose to, others of us prefer to hide in the woods and do spells," she smirked.

"Wait, you can-"

"Hear your thoughts? Yes. Because I'm the witch for the royal pack, my powers are a little more advanced."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay that's nice to know, now can you please get out?" I growled.

"I would but I got the feeling that you didn't want to come downstairs and meet the rest of us, so I thought I would introduce myself now," she explained.

"I rather you not," I mumbled, sinking under the bubbles.

She leaned back against the mirror and began casting small spells with her hands. "Athena, do you fucking mind?!" I snapped.

"Relax Harper. I'm not here to watch you; I'm not a perv. I just simply want to talk," she spoke.

I scrubbed some bubbles in my hair and directed my attention towards Athena again. "Then, can it wait until I'm done?" I questioned.

"It could, it really could, but I know how much you like privacy."

"Do you, because you're not understanding that right now?"

"Would you like me to talk about your past in front of everyone!"

I was getting ready to answer, but she beat me to it. "Oh wait, they already know so it wouldn't be anything new."

I lowly growled at her. "What do you know about my past?"

"Everything since I was there at the meeting," she answered as some of her magic sparkles brushed in my face. "but I know a little more than them."

I glanced over at her and she knew that she had my attention because she leaned forward and grinned at me.

"Don't worry, it'll be a quicker talk than the one I had with Ryder."


Hey everyone!

So sorry I am late. I wasn't really feeling well today and I was just out of everything that's why the chapter may have sucked, but if you enjoyed it tap/click that star button.

School is almost out which means I'll have more time to update.


What do you do to relax?

*Live and Love Life*


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