68| When It Comes To Us

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"A date?" my mother questioned

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"A date?" my mother questioned. I nodded my head as I took a bite out of the vanilla cupcakes she made. I haven't seen my mom in a while so I decided to stop by and catch her up on everything that has happened. She was very proud of me for meeting with the alphas and handling myself against those who opposed me. 

She was more proud of me for having closure with Red Moon and doing what's right for them. I even told her that I am planning on opening up the silent border to everyone who would like to visit the gravesites, that will be receiving maintenance soon. It's the least I could do after everything that I have done. 

"Yeah, I'm kind of nervous about it. Any advice?" I asked. Athena grabbed a cupcake from the container and looked up at the tree branches above us. Her treehouse was quiet and peaceful which made me feel like I had a second home. 

"Not really. We're not humans, Happy, where we see if we like the guy on the first date or not. As mates, we just go with it," she told me. "but, if he does do anything stupid, choke him and his wolf."

I almost choked on my cupcake. "Choke his wolf?" Athena nodded and wiped the blue icing off of the corner of her mouth. "If you're wondering how to do it, there's a spell for anything. But, I'm not sure if you can do it because you have one."

"Could you still teach me?" I asked. 

"Sure," Athena agreed. "there are two ways to do it: one with your hand on their neck," she placed her right hand on my neck, "or you do it from a distance but that is harder because you have to reach their wolf."

"Okay, what now?"

"I'm going to say the spell to show you and then you will repeat after me." Athena began to recite the spell and all of a sudden my throat began to tighten and I felt Eliza weakening. We were both gasping for air and black dots began to fill our vision. My mother released the spell as I collapsed on the ground and took a deep breath in and out.

"I'm sorry, Happy!" she apologized and lifted my head to sit it on her lap. "it wasn't supposed to last that long. Are you okay?"

I nodded my head and held on to her hand. "It's okay, I'm fine."

"Who's Happy?" a voice asked. Athena and I turned to look at Ryder as he was climbing up the ladder to the treehouse. I totally forgot that he doesn't know that Athena is my mother yet. I guess now would be a good time to tell him. 

"Hey," I greeted. "Happy is a nickname that my mother calls me." Ryder must have caught the emphasis on "my mother" because he immediately turned towards me with his mouth opened. "Athena is your mother?" he exclaimed. 

"Surprise," Athena faked. 

"Wow, congratulations," he smiled. Athena and I both smiled back and went back to talking as he took a seat and grabbed a cupcake. "Do you wanna try the spell now that you have a volunteer?" Athena evilly grinned at Ryder. He stopped mid-bite of his cupcake and looked at her with wide eyes. 

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