Behind The Pages

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Hey everyone! 

Once again, I would like to thank you all for all of the love you have shown my very first book that I have ever completed! It really means a lot to me and I will use this to continue writing. So before I make the special announcements, I will tell you a few things about the book.


I first began to write Luna Of Them All after in ninth grade, after reading a few werewolf books in which I will gladly recommend to you. At first, I was nervous about writing it because I had previous stories to this one that I deleted because I didn't like them. Also, when I saw that I may have to write a sex scene, I was very uncomfortable, but I still gave it a try (chapter 68).

Most authors normally plan out their story before writing it. I did not do that. Every time I wrote a new chapter, I would make it up as I went along so if a few things didn't make any sense, I apologize. I will go back in the story and maybe add or take away a few things; it depends on if I like it or not. 

The times when I took forever to update were because of school, lacrosse, work, writer's block, or my procrastination. I know, a lot of excuses, but it's true. There were a few times when I didn't want to update because I thought the book was going nowhere and I thought about deleting it. But the more you guys read, voted, and commented, I knew I couldn't give up on it. 

I wasn't expecting this story to be 71 chapters either, yet here we are. I didn't realize I was dragging it out until we got into the forties. I am someone who likes to give a lot of detail and be very specific so that's the reason why the story didn't really pick up until chapter 43/44. 


So one thing that is very different about my book is that I named all of the chapters after songs. Some of the songs didn't directly go with the chapter, but the title of it did. Each of those songs is part of my many playlists on Spotify so you guys got a chance to see the kind of music I like. If any of you want to recommend some songs to me, please do. I love music and will like to add them to my playlist. 

The tags that I created to tell you whose POV it was, I got the idea from another amazing book. I was like that is very interesting and better than looking at names in plain old text. The background of the tags don't really have a special connection to the characters, I just thought that they went well with the characters' name.

Speaking of POV, I tried to make sure that I wrote in everyone's POV at least once, so I hope you enjoyed Ethan's POV in the epilogue. Athena's POV I thought about a few times, but I wasn't sure how to write it or what chapter to include it in. 

My chapters, I tried to make them anywhere between 1,500 to 2,500 words long. I wanted to make sure I got as much detail and important stuff in them. 


My characters, I don't really know what to say about them. 

Harper, I wanted her to be a female lead character who had gone through something, overcame it in some drastic way, and then go through a character change. I didn't want her to be weak throughout the entire story and then become strong because of her mate. I wanted her to do that on her own. 

I think Harper was the only character who I truly planned out. Everyone else, I based them on what was going on or on Harper's feelings and emotions towards them. So when Ryder and Cyrus became assholes, Quinn was first nice to Harper, Arrow immediately accepted Harper, and other examples were not planned. 

In the end, I hope you all liked my characters in some way, shape, or form. If you didn't, I'm sorry.

Included/Excluded Ideas:

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