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My alarm clock beeped waking me up. I hit the snooze button and started dozing off until I realized that I needed to get up or else he'll beat the living hell out of me.

I ran towards my bathroom and looked at myself. No matter how hard I tried to not look at myself, it was no use. I hated the way I look.

My once gray eyes, which had a tint of blue to them, became dull and lifeless. They held no emotion at all. My dirty blonde hair was a tangled mess but, it helps take the attention away from my hideous scars and bruises that covered my face.

I quickly brushed my teeth and hair and got dressed in my clothes. I normally wear hoodies, sweaters, sweats, jeans; basically, anything that would cover the body I am ashamed of. Today I decided to go with my favorite gray sweats with a navy, blue sweater.

I had huge scars and bruises everywhere. It was hard to find one clear, unharmed area on my body. My father gave me these scars. He's the one who crushed and destroyed my soul.

My mother died when I was ten years old. I don't know how she died because my father never told me. When she died, my father turned to drinking in order to cope with the loss of his mate.

Drinking wasn't enough for him though. Since I looked so much like my mother, except that her eyes were blue, he started beating me. The first time he slapped me, was something I would never forget. I wondered why he did it and hope that would be his only time doing it, but I hoped wrong.

For seven years, I suffered in this house. I've taken beatings, been sexually assaulted, and almost killed. That only happened one time though. He beat me so bad that I was close to death. I had to wrap up my injuries that would take longer to heal. Everything else was healed later on thanks to my werewolf healing.

My father doesn't even know I'm a werewolf. My mother was a hybrid. She didn't first shift till she was eighteen and since I'm seventeen, my father thinks that I might be a hybrid. But, I'm not. I first shifted when I was sixteen, while my dad was out getting drunk. I kept my wolf, Eliza, a secret.

I'm afraid that if my father finds out that I can shift, he's going to kill my wolf just like he did with his. He killed his wolf because he caused him so much pain since his mate is dead. My father is insane.

I quickly went down the stairs into our small kitchen to make my father breakfast. He normally goes out to drink at night and doesn't return until morning. What does he do at night? I think he finds some unmated she-wolf and has some fun with her. He bought one home a few years ago and they had round two as I was upstairs trying to sleep.

I shook that awful memory out of my head and continued making his breakfast which was eggs, bacon, french toast, and a bottle of beer. I quickly made his eggs and bacon, now, I just had to wait till the french toast was done.

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