Chapter Forty-Three: The tortured

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Jessica woke up several hours later. She didn't know why she was tied up in the basement which made her scared. The door opened up at the top of the stairs and Jake came walking down. "W-why a-am I-i tied up?" Jessica stutters. Jake smiles insanely at her. "Because you're going to suffer until you quit breathing and so is Cotton. This is her now." Jake opened his laptop and sat on the bed next to her. He showed her the footage of Cotton tied up in the dark basement. She had red puffy eyes and a bruised cheek, this only made Jessica angry. "Why are you doing this to us?" Jessica snaps. Jake closes the laptop and sets it on the nearby table. "Because I want to be with Ella and my unborn child. You're standing in my way. I have to get rid of you so this is how I'm going to do it." He explains. "Don't hurt Cotton. She didn't do anything to deserve this." Jessica begs. Jake cups Jessica cheek. "I'm doing it because I don't want you taking her and running away. She's going to die with you." Jake smiles at her before getting up. "Jake please let us go! I want my daughter." Jessica begs him. He shook his head. "Not a chance." He says taking out something that look like a horses whip. "What are you doing?" Jessica chokes out. "Going to make you feel the pain I felt when I was shot." He says sapping her with it on the stomach.

She winces as the whip hit her stomach making her scream. Cotton heard it and started crying. I promise I'll get you out of here Cottie. Jessica promises mentally as she was brutally attacked by the whip until Jake got tired. "See ya tomorrow." Jake walks out of the room. "Don't you hurt her!" She screamed out at him. She looked at his laptop which he opened for Jessica to see Cotton. Jessica could see the little girl was crying. It made her cringe. Jake appeared on the screen and grabbed Cotton. Cotton's eyes were staring straight into the camera. "Say hi to mummy." He growled. "M-mummy help!" Cotton disobeyed him and screamed for Jessica's help. Jake got angry and threw Cotton into the wall causing her to slip into darkness. Her head was busted up and bleeding onto the floor. Jake smiled and walked out of the room. It made Jessica cry so hard. She couldn't understand why he would do this.

2 weeks  later

Jake sat on the couch and turned on the television. He opened up Jessica's laptop which was connected to Cotton's camera and his laptop showing both girls. Jessica was crying and Cotton was unconscious. He saw something in the room with Cotton. He zoomed in and saw what looked like a body casket. He immediately got up and ran to the attic. He saw the casket and opened it causing him to scream. Jessica heard it and saw something frightening on the screen. "Oh my god." She said to herself. Jake immediately grabbed Cotton and ran into the basement. "Why is there a body in the attic?" Jake says placing Cotton onto the bed. "I don't know." Jessica replies staring at Cotton. "That's a freshly killed person Jessica." Jake says trying to catch his breath. "And? You think I killed someone?" Jessica asks curiously. "Yes? That's exactly what I think?!" Jake yells. "I don't kill people!" Jessica snaps at him waking Cotton up. Jessica noticed and slipped off the handcuffs. She grabbed Cotton and hid her from Jake. "Untie me Jake." Jessica demanded. He did and she untied Cotton. Cotton started crying into her mummy's chest. "We're done. Go be with your mistress! Bye!" Jessica says picking up her Little girl and walking into the upper part of the house. She went into the bathroom to patch up the wound on Cotton's head. "This may hurt a bit baby." She whispers to Cotton as she dabbled the open wound.

Cotton winced a little. Jake stood in the doorway. "I'm sorry." Jake says to them. "Go away Jake! You've done enough damage to us!" Jessica snaps shielding Cotton. "Please forgive me!" Jake begged. "No! I will never forgive you for what you did to me and my little girl!" Jessica snaps. Cotton began crying again. Jessica held her. "Cotton please forgive me." Jake begged Cotton. "Leave me alone!" Cotton says quietly. Jessica put Cotton in the bathtub to clean her up and slammed the door in his face. She began to run the water lukewarm for Cotton because of her sensitive skin. She put Cotton's body wash on a luafa and started scrubbing Cotton gently. Cotton felt at ease knowing she was okay and wasn't going to get hurt again. Jessica wiped away some of the blood that dried on the wounds Cotton endured throughout the two week trial. Cotton winced at the scrubbing. "Hey Hey, it's okay baby." Jessica says put some coconut shampoo in her hands before rubbing into Cotton's hair. Cotton liked when Jessica put shampoo in her hair, she liked the way Jessica did it. Jessica took a cup and washed the shampoo out before putting in some dry conditioner.

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