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FIVE AND QUINCEY made their way up to Fives old room. The boy looked through his closet for some clothes that will fit him.

"Hey Five..." Quincey sat on Five's bed, the lack of dust told her it had obviously been cleaned while he was gone.

"Hey Quincey." He replied, still observing the clothes in the closet.

"I know we don't look fifty-eight anymore but I don't feel fifty-eight anymore. . . I feel thirteen again. It's weird." Her eyebrows were pinched together.

"I know, same." He was looking at her now. "But don't tell the others, they're already going to treat us like children, we don't need to give them another reason."

Quincey smiled faintly at him.

"Ah, shit." Five mumbled before turning back to Quincey.

"What am I going to wear?" The girl looked down to the baggy black dress that hung off her body like long fabric curtains.

"While I get changed, you go find Allison, she might still have her old uniforms." Five smiled at the girl.

"Okay." she smiled back before turning away and going to find Allison.

Quincey walked down the many hallways in the academy before finding Allison and Luther walking back to their rooms. "Oh, uh, Allison? Right?" The small girl asked Allison with a slight smile.

"Yeah, it is. And your name is Quincey?" Allison said with a raised eyebrow.

"Mhm. Um, Five said to come find you, he said that you might still have your old uniforms that I could borrow." The girl told Allison.

"Yeah, I do still have them. Here follow me." Allison told the 'young' girl with a smile. Quincey followed Allison back to her bedroom, Luther trailing behind them, before going into his own room.

Allison gave Quincey a few of her old uniforms and a cardboard box of old clothes. "Thanks Allison."


Quincey got dressed into one of Allison's old academy uniforms, she exited Fives room and made her way to where Five stood in the lounge room. She took the place next to the boy, looking up at a high portrait of him, Quincey's head rested on Five's shoulder. The boy and girl smile at each other before hearing footsteps behind them.

"Nice to know dad didn't forget me" the two 'teenagers' turned to look at Vanya. "We read your book, by the way" Five told Vanya. "Found it in a library that was still standing" Quincey mentioned. Five took Quincey's hand in his, leading her around Vanya. "I thought it was pretty good, all things considered" Five told his sister, Quincey blocked out the conversation, not wishing to push the boundaries on their discussion.

Vanya's book really helped Quincey learn more about the family and it helped five catch up in what his family had been doing after he left.


Everyone grabbed umbrellas to go out into the courtyard for the funeral. "Five, I think I should just stay inside, I mean it's a family thing, I don't want to intrude" Quincey tried to walk back to five's room before he grabbed ahold of her hand "no, Quince. Please come with me, you won't be intruding" Five said to her softly, Quincey agreed and they all made their way into the rain.

Quincey glanced down at her shoes the entire time, Fives arm wrapped around her shoulders as they share an umbrella. The girl blocked everything out, just keeping her focus on her shoes. Until Diego and Luther start fighting, as soon as the first punch is thrown fives arm goes infront of the girl, trying to protect her.

The two brothers threw punches at each other, fighting for a reason Quincey didn't even know. I mean, Quincey could stop them fighting, just pushing them apart with her mind, but there's something about two people throwing punches and kicks at each other, that just entertains the girl.

Many of the siblings and Pogo shout at them to stop, apart from Klaus who yelled "hit him! Hit him!". "We don't have time for this" five says, going to walk away but Quincey stops him, just in case something bad happened, which it did. Ben's statue was hit by Luther, it fell, to only be saved by Quincey. The girl with her arm outstretched, moved the statue back to its original position. All eyes turned to her "thank me later"

Diego's hand reached for one of his knives, he throws it at Luther, for it to only be stopped my Quincey, again. The invisible force brought the knife to her hand, she pocketed it,
"Play times over" her and Five turned around and walked back into the house.

Quincey shows off more of her powers in this chapter...hope you've enjoyed it :) have a great day/night!

- Ziggy

- Ziggy

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