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FIVE AND QUINCEY walk into Five's bedroom. "You tired?" Five asks the girl at his side "yeah, you?" She says sleepily, sitting onto the bed. "I've had three cups of coffee tonight, I won't be tired for awhile" Five chuckles and sits down next to the girl.

Quincey rests her head on Five's shoulder "I'm going to sleep, goodnight" The girl sighed before flopping backwards onto the bed. "Are you going to lay in the bed properly first?" five questioned with a light laugh "are you going to lay in the bed properly first?" She mimicked while moving to lay vertically.

Five sits beside her, his back resting against the headboard. Quincey moves so her head is resting in Five's lap. "Goodnight Quincey" Five absentmindedly runs his fingers through her hair.

"Goodnight Five"


Quincey's eyes slowly open, the light from the window flooding her eyes and the warmth from the boy laying beside her, giving her a sense of comfort. Upon further inspection, the girl realised that he's still asleep. Slowly she moves out of the bed and into the hallway, silently closing the door behind her.

Quincey walks about the house, taking in the old walls and the old painting clinging to them. The house being lit only by the light flooding in from outside. She makes her way down the stairs and into the living room, after hearing voices.

"Can't smoke eggs" Klaus says, lighting a cigarette "who ya talkin' to , Klaus?" Quincey leans against one of the many pillars in the room. Klaus whips around to look at Quincey "oh, no one in particular" Klaus says to her with a smile.

"Yea sure, sure" Quince says, not believing a word he says "so are you gonna tell me, or what?" The girl adds, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine, I'm talking to my brother, and he's pissed that I didn't tell you" Klaus finally tells her, still looking through his coat pockets.

"Oh, uh hi Ben?" Quincey says, not knowing where to look "you know his name? Oh and he says 'hi'" Klaus looks up to her from his spot on the ground. "Yea, I do, five talked about you guys a lot" She chuckles "so five talked about his family, what about you? What's your family like?"  Klaus gestures for her to sit on the ground with him.

"Well I don't really have a family. At least not a caring one. My father left when I was young, my mother despised me and older brother moved out two years before I met five. We were never close" Quincey sighed, looking down at her crossed legs. "Ben says that he's sorry you had to go through that and I agree" Klaus softly smiled at the girl "thanks, but don't worry about it, I'm sure your childhood was much worse than mine. I mean Reggie sounds horrible"

"Oh he was" Klaus stands up and walks behind the couch, to look through cabinets "what an interesting outfit you're wearing" Quincey laughs "one of these had gotta he gold-plated, right?"

Pogo clears his throat behind the two of them. Quincey turns around, not being frightened by the sudden appearance of pogo. "Christ on a cracker! Pogo?"

"My apologies master Klaus and Miss Quincey. I have a query for you, master klaus" Pogo responded, leaning on his walking stick. "Oh?" Klaus breathes. "Items from your father's office have gone missing. In particular an ornate box, with pearl inlay" pogo tells Klaus.
"Really? You don't say"

Quincey walked out of the room, not wanting to come between the Monkey and the stoner. She made her way back to Five's room, to see if he had woken yet.

She pushed the door open to see Five sitting on the bed, looking at the eye. "Looking at it wont solve the mystery of who it belongs to" The girl stands in front of him. "Well then, will you do me the honour of accompanying me to Meritech, to find out who the hell this belongs to?"

The two 'teens' laugh and climb out the fire escape and land in the alley.

"How are we going to get there?"

I finished watching season 2 like an hour ago and I have so many questions.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope you stick around for the rest :)

What are your thoughts on season 2? And who's your favourite character?

- Ziggy

- Ziggy

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